
A race track? Cool comparison 😉 lol

Cheers and !BEER

Here one can see it clearly, but I have never opened your tag picture.

I saw this picture in your post and only then knew what it was.
Your first great macro if I remember correctly.

Cheers and thank you!

At least I thought it was great after I have shot many bad macros - it was just as I expected it to be and I still like it 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Yeah don't blame you as that first perfect shot is aloways a favorite.

It is really a good shot.

Cheers and thank you!

Thank you @papilloncharity 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

I genuinely think it is a good photo, and my pleasure to tell you that Sir Johann.

Cheers, and thank you.


Cheers and !BEER

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