
But they are still small and cute - I remember that I have seen such small squirrels before.
Good - so the squirrel mama don't need to rob a bird's nest 😊

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I can go and find the nest Hannes, just to get a picture of the small one, but I would rather not.
The mom might become disturbed and disappear with the baby.
So I will wait to see its first appearance here.

Hahaha, nature is nature my friend.
Marian was saying that mankind has learned from nature how to bully the weak, just because the squirrel mom is much bigger than the tiny songbirds lol.
But maybe she has a valid point here???

Cheers and thanks!

Oh no, don't disturb them. She might even leave the baby back. Cats do that sometimes when you don't leave their babies alone with her in the first days.

Yes, I think she is right. I just need to remember my school time - I'm not that tall as you might remember, but I have always had taller friends and was good in boxing, so they bullied me only once 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yes, glad that you know that I don't want her to abandon the baby.

I had the misfortune of being one of the shortest guys in primary school and so was bullied very often. So my mom sought help and she registered me in the YMCA boxing club. Best thing she ever did, as I stayed there for 12 years. Of course in my first year of high school I started to grow exponentially in height and all of the erstwhile bullies began to hide away from me. But I did get hold of a few and warmed them up a little bit hahahah.
Such is life my friend, what goes around, comes around!

Cheers and thanks!

Oh yes, you always meet twice. You must have been smiling all day long when you saw them hiding from you 🤣

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Hi Hannes,

A short story here for ya!

Well what happened was that a bunch of smaller guys started to follow me around, as when the bullies saw that I was near then they would leave them alone.
There was one very nasty big and fat guy that was the worst. He was in high school in standard 8 and I was at the end of standard 5.

My mom used to send me to the shop to go and buy bread and milk and I always walked on a long detour to avoid his house, but for some reason on this day I took a short cut back from the shop and walked past his house. Well this guy rushed out and started slapping me. I started boxing in standard 3, so I could duck and dive to avoid most of his slaps. I dropped the glass bottle of milk in the process and it broke, so I knew that I was due for a hiding from my mom and in my anger I let this guy have it with a few punches.

Obviously the punches hurt him and he started backing off, which he shouldn't have done, as I was then on top of him like a wasp. Down he went, but I didn't let up and jumped on top of him flailing away with my fists.
His mom rushed out and grabbed me by my ear, putting one of her long nails right through my ear.

To cut a long story short, First my mom went to their house and scared the bejesus out of his mom and when my mom returned I got my hiding for breaking the milk.
But it was worth it, as that guy never came near me again and I could walk in freedom past his house.

Cheers and thanks!

You should write a book telling your stories to the world, my friend.
I was reading and have seen a little movie in my head - great entertainment 😃

Cheers and !BEER

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