Sort: works for me, but not always. So I always hope that my replies are saved on the blockchain.

Cheers and !BEER

Well, I can now get back into ecency and will soon do all of my replies in there.
I tried to post in there, but it won't accept my post tags. Instead it works on automated tags I think.
So I posted on PeakD in the #featheredfriends community.

Cheers and thanks!

Ecency suggests tags when I begin to type, but I haven't tried to add own tags though. I'll wait a bit longer and then get back to Ecency.

Cheers and !BEER

Good idea and same here Hannes.
Maybe next week or so all might be back to normal.
We just gotta hang in there my friend!

Cheers and thanks!


Cheers and !BEER

👈 👉👍 🤣

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