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RE: A Happy Friday post from the Ocean!

in OCD4 years ago

Only a short one on the odd occasion Hannes.

Only other thing that we watch at times is Michael Macintyre.
Don't know if I have the spelling right, but he is hilarious.

Yeah, in my younger days sleeping was the last thing on my list.
I slipped back into that for the last couple of months, but have recently decided to move sleeping to the top of the list 😁
Now I feel better in the daytime. Bonus!

Cheers and a splendid Good Night to you guys and the kittens 😍


Did I say good morning already? Don't know, so Good morning Zac 😊

Michael McIntyre? I love him, although his voice is a bit too loud for me sometimes 📢 😉

I don't like to sleep, but I do it to be awake and not half asleep the next day 😉

Cheers and !BEER

I don't know, but if we didn't greet it's not rude Hannes, so Good Morning also to you!

Yeah, that guy has a rare style of presenting his great jokes hahaha.
I don't mind the loud voice, as I wear a permanent left ear plug to avoid infections in the ear.
Very loud noises like rifles and explosives in the army and later on screeching machines has damaged my ear drum.

I share your dislike of sleep hahaha.

Btw. look at this little Ringneck dove, as very wet here today!


Cheers and thanks!

My father fell from a horse when he was a boy and since then he can't hear anything with his left ear, although the ear is okay, the doctors say.
This came to my mind when you said you don't her on the left side 😉

LOl, the dove doesn't look very happy 😉

Cheers and !BEER

He must have damaged the inner ear maybe. A doctor wanted to operate to fix my ear, as I think that he wanted to buy a new Porsche with the price that he quoted me hahaha,
Of course I wanted none of it and every morning I put a cotton wad in my ear.
Strange co-incidence that it was also your dad's left ear!

Hahaha, yed, it is very wet here. I saw a strange thing today, as we now also have a pair of African mourning doves here. They look the same as the other ring neck doves, nut their eyes are yellow and they have a red mask around the eyes.

Here's a photo of one and look at the eye.
I have never seen them before!

115 (2).JPG

Cheers and thanks!

Yes maybe, just lately a doctor told my dad that they could try to fix it, but he refused, because he has been living with it for about 70 years and he's just of it as it is 😉

This eye looks cool, but at the first moment I thought it was the same dove 😄

Cheers and !BEER

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