11 kilometres in nature, a complete reboot of the brain!

in OCD2 years ago

Reboot of the mind

We all know the feeling, work, social media, financial stress, etc… it all wears us completely down. We get too much triggers in our daily lives, and our mind and brain is not fit for that. The only solution to reboot our brain and mind is to connect with nature again, and preferably with physical activity with it!

So, that’s what we did today, in a remote forest with the greenest slopes in the Eifel region of Germany. We just took our backpack, filled it with water and food, and went for a big hike, together with our dog. We sweated, but my mind got a complete reboot from it. A lot of the pressure has been lifted, and it feels we can face the world again.

Do this regularly for your mental and physical health

I feel I did this too little the last few years. And have finally found back myself again. This is a recommendation for all people that are struggling with the daily stressors of life. Get back to the basics. Nature and physical activity! It will do you wonders, and it will make you think of problems from another point of view.





I thought it wouldn't have such a huge impact until I tried, walking near nature really takes away a ton of the daily life stress. Plus it alleviates my allergies, which was an added bonus I didn't expect.
I should've started this habit sooner.

You bet

True! Physical activities really help alot

Of course they do, we are Made for physical activity

What a natural setting to reset the mind and ease Stress. The truth remains that we need such regular mental reboots. After such treat, you have a new energy and feel stronger to overcome your challenges. I was wondering if this is a private park, or always open to the public. Great pictures.

This in SüdEifel national parc in Germany, always open!

That looks like a refreshing walk @pele23. By the way did you know about Wednesday walk community? it looks like your walk could fit in there. Here's the link to it. https://peakd.com/c/hive-155530/created. Just another reminder, it would be best to find the communities that fit for your content before posting to OCD. You can browse all communities here: https://peakd.com/communities or you can also type the keyword on the search bar to find the communities that you're looking for. Cheers!