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RE: The Things I Have to Thank Hive For

in OCD3 years ago

Always happy to see how Hive has been changing your life man :) So inspiring! Glad you could get all these nice things. Btw I cannot even imagine doing anything of my Hive routine on the phone! Wow, how did you do that? I only use my phone for viewing posts and checking my stats, never even upvoted or comment from it... I do all my stuff on my laptop only :D

 3 years ago  

Thanks, man! I'm so happy I didn't leave this platform when almost everyone left during the bear market.

I got used to doing everything on phone. I find it very convenient especially now that I'm always going out. It's more efficient when using a laptop, but I need to sit down and focus on it. If on phone, I can be anywhere while posting or curating.