Dying Light 2 Stay Human "The only such way" / " Jedyna taka droga " ( ENG-POL )

in OCD3 years ago

Czerwona i Czarna Ciemna Gracz Sport YouTube Miniatura (2).jpg

Law enforcement officers closed the passage to the city center after the death of their commander. To get there, Hakon and I had to sneak past their patrols. This road leads through a dark tunnel. We will start at night !!! Then there are fewer infected in these places.

Stróżowie prawa po śmierci swojego komendanta zamknęli przejście do centrum miasta . Aby tam się dostać Hakon i ja musieliśmy przemknąć koło ich patroli . Droga ta prowadzi przez ciemny tunel . Zaczniemy nocą !!! Wtedy w tych miejscach jest mniej zarażonych .

Dying Light 2_ Stay Human_20220218192557.jpg

Dying Light 2_ Stay Human_20220218185721.jpg


We have a Gaming Community where this content fits in more. This OCD community is mainly meant for content that don't fit in anywhere else.

I'd love to be in the Hive Gaming community but my account has been muted. I don't know why ... Maybe you can help me. What should I do and where to write?