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RE: My Auto Biography

in OCD4 years ago

Wow, thanks for the large glimpse into your life.

to preserve my images

That's the one thing you listed that will not be preserved on the chain.

Not sure if I ever knew you were LDS (thinking not as it surprised me). I'm not one myself, but the few I've interacted with always impressed me with their levelheadedness and critical thinking skills. I used to study a little online with a couple LDS years ago when I was researching various religions.

Your love of cars reminds me of my dads. I like cars, and had a couple fast ones when younger but either common sense or my dad scaring the crap out of me as a kid I'm not much of one for extreme fast driving speeds. If I was ever being chased it would resemble OJ Simpson in the SUV, lol.

Beautiful pictures. I've a bunch from when I was younger. My mom took pictures of everything. I don't have many from recent years though. It always felt like they belonged to another person, to pleasant times that would never return. It kind of sucks as most don't seem to view pictures that way, but it does help making the most of my time now sometimes.

Just curious, but did your wife ever grow frustrated with your love of cars? To say my mom was exasperated at times would be an understatement, lol.


re: preserved

Well, okay. I guess it's a good thing I have them stored locally then, and keep upgrading storage devices every five years or so. I'm probably about due for another. :)

re: LDS

It seems like I mentioned that in a post way back when and we had a similar conversation, but who knows. It all blurs at this point. :)

I'd like to think we're all levelheaded and critical thinkers, but sadly, I don't think that's true. We really ought to be, though. The gospel eventually needs to make sense via the spirit, the heart and the head.

re: speed

I'm afraid I do have some of the need, the need for speed. However, I'm not the kind that goes weaving recklessly in and out of traffic when there's very little window to do it in. Some people are just totally obnoxious. And then they get stalled further up because there's nowhere to go, or they're the one the police pull over.

re: pictures

Well, thanks. I'm surprised how well they've turned out given, the tech is at least 8 years old. Even the phone I have now is nearly five years old. We'll probably end up upgrading soon, though, just because the ones we have now, the 6s and 6s plus, will be on the verge of obsolescence in a year or so. They've got some decent deals on newer phones and plans, so I'm looking to make a switch.

I would like to upgrade the olympus equipment, too. Maybe to a nice Nikon, but that would mean all new lenses, too. That only gets more expensive for use that currently amounts to a moderately expensive hobby for potential undetermined future returns. :)

re: wife

I think she's okay with my liking cars. I'm not a gearhead by any means. My dad's the mechanic. I spent my afternoons and weekends writing, reading and drawing when I wasn't outside mostly playing by myself. Yeah, I was that kid for most of middle school and all of high school. Literally lived on the wrong side of the tracks. Everyone else lived on the other side. :)

She does get way too frustrated with my driving, though. She doesn't like speed, unless it's on a rollercoaster, or in an airliner. That she's fine with. :)