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RE: Home Schooling Idea / ホームスクーリングアイデア

in OCD4 years ago

My oldest daughter is in grade 12. She is pretty much graduated she said.

does 'grade' mean 'class'?.. is 12 the final one, and why she's taking a gap next year?


Grade 12 is the last grade in high school. She is 17 years old.
She wants to take a year off before attending college so she can work, save money and travel. Although, it might be hard even to work with coronavirus situation right now :(

aaa! totally understand now. its a super great (and very wise) idea. I did it myself (not willingly). I had to work before I could enter a college for 2 years, and when I started studies -- I eventually noticed my brains/mind 'matured a bit more' than my classmates had it, just coming there from their scool classes. and I felt that made some difference. going to college not right after the school, makes you more oriented, more well-knowing what do you want to get , from the life, makes some of life's marks more visible.

good morning!

I totally agree with you. Gap year is something I wish I had when I was that age. We don't have such things in Japan. I was too immature to figure thing out back then :(