Self-Introduction: Brought a Hive Account And Start my Journey

in OCD9 months ago


Hello Everyone

I am trying to open a HIVE account but I failed . So I brought a unused account from oneline. I hope you all understand the situation. And allow me with this account..

Here is my introduction

I am zahurul from Bangladesh is one of the most beautiful country in this world. I am professionally working with a multinational company . I am a charming & passionate boy. Several time I like to take risk. Many times i fail and sometime succeed I, but I can learn a lot from here.


I Completed graduation in accounting. My Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) It means college life was amazing journey. This college is in my home town. Most of the time I was perform as a captain in my college life, because of my truthfulness & honesty. My university life was amazing also.



I have a small daughter, she is just 9 months. I am living with my mom and dad. My father is leader in my family. He is retried government employee. We all live in my family very happy and peacefully. Everyday in evening we gather in drawing room for sneaks & tea and watching TV. Its one of the most beautiful moment of the day. Every weak we family members try to go out for short tour like as visiting tourist spot. I love my family love much.



I think everyman should have a hobby & you can justify a man by his/her choice. I have some hobby’s as like gardening fishing and travel.


Everyday I spent much time taking care of my plants. I love to see a lot of flower blooming in my garden. I don’t have a large garden because of short place in my house. I am trying to plant more and more flower and others plant in my garden. I already have some plants in my small garden .I love gardening much. Take a look..



When I am free I like to spend my time to fishing. Its most of patiently work. If you love fishing and spending time that’s mean you have to much patient in your life. Simply I love fishing in small revers. There is a small river distance almost five kilometer in my house. Every week when I become free I am go their with my wheel and spending three to five hours by fishing.


I love traveling its one of the most pensionable thin in my life. Right now I am attach with a job so its much difficult for me to traveling. When I get three to five day with leave I plane for a trip. I already visited some beautiful place in Bangladesh. As like coxs bazar, shyllet water fall & one of biggest river in Bangladesh padma at rajshahi. You know that Bangladesh is a land of beautiful palaces as like bandorban, Khagrasory, Kuyakata & one of the biggest mangrove forest sundorban. I already listed that places for my visiting list. I will visit this place as soon as possible.


Why here:

Hive is a large platform to make friend and engage many community. I think every people should join here and share their experience. I have may skill and I think its the place to upgrade my skill and share with others and also learn and fulfill my gap form different communities and people. I saw too many developer, photographer, Philosopher, economy expert and I give me chance to learn more and more. So I am learn to fulfill my gap and share my knowledge with others and connect a huge member of extraordinary people.


Hope everyone support me to continue in this platfrom. Thank you very much