Hola #Hive, soy @rammses-moncada y esta es mi presentación! | Hi #Hive, I'm @rammses-moncada and this is my introduction! [ENG | ESP]

in OCD3 years ago

Mi introducción a la Cadena de Bloques #Hive

My introduction to Blockchain #Hive



Hola comunidad de Hive, mi nombre es Ramsses Moncada, tengo 18 años de edad, soy estudiante de universidad segundo semestre la carrera de Ingeniaría de sistemas, me apasiona el fútbol, sin embargo no es del todo lo que más me guste, actualmente practico un deporte el cual no es muy reconocido recientemente el cual su nombre es: STREET WORKOUT (también llamado como Entrenamiento de Calle). Este deporte es considerado uno de los deportes más completos que pueda existir, se trata de ejercitar tu cuerpo con tu mismo peso corporal aunque recientemente existe equipos el cual se puede utilizar para ejercitarse con peso o asistencia. También se puede ejercitar la parte baja del cuerpo por ejemplo: Cuádriceps, Muslos, Glúteos, etc.
Hello Hive community, my name is Ramsses Moncada, I am 18 years old, I am a second semester university student, I am a systems engineer, I am more passionate about soccer, however it is not quite what I like the most, I currently practice a sport which is not very recognized recently which its name is: STREET WORKOUT (also called as CALISTENIA) This sport is considered one of the most complete sports that can exist, it is about exercising your body with the same body weight although recently there are teams which can be used to exercise with weight or assistance. You can also exercise the lower part of the body for example: Quadriceps, Thighs, Buttocks, etc.

¿Porqué quieres formar parte de la comunidad #hive?
Why do you want to be part of the hive community?
Una de mis razones por entrar en esta comunidad es porque quiero compartir mis experiencias que he vivido gracias al deporte y muchas otras cosas como por ejemplo: 1- Compartir mi progreso junto con ustedes los que me apoyen. 2- Compartir rutinas, videos, imágenes sobre mi deporte. 3- Deseo que personas que estén comenzando aprendan mucho más rápido y seguro. 4- Quiero dar a conocer mi deporte de tal manera que sea más reconocido a nivel mundial.
You can also exercise the lower part of the body for example: Quadriceps, Thighs, Buttocks, etc etc. One of my reasons for entering this community is because I want to share my experiences that I have lived thanks to sports and many other things, such as: 1- Share my progress with you who support me. 2- Share routines, videos, images about my sport. 3- I want people who are starting to learn much faster and safer. 4- I want to publicize my sport in such a way that it is more recognized worldwide.


Mi experiencia en este deporte ha sido muy extraordinaria, principalmente se me hacia duro entrenar ya que no podía hacer nada con mi peso corporal ya que era muy delgado y sin fuerza poco a poco he ido mejorando conforme pasa el tiempo, he entrenado muy duro para conseguir lo que ya he logrado aunque aun me falta mucho camino por recorrer sigo de pie. Mi primera competencia fue una de las mas rudas ya que me toco contra un oponente el cual era muy fuerte sin embargo no me rendí y luche por la victoria no fue fácil aun así me esforcé y obtuve la victoria. Esta competencia me motivo a seguir entrenando fuerte para seguir dominando todo ya para mes y medio competía en competencias regionales las cual mi primera competencia en la categoría pro quede tercer puesto sin embargo aun no estaba a tanto nivel para esa categoría pues mi nivel era un poco más bajo aun así no me rendí y conseguí el tercer puesto luego de varios meses compitiendo ocurrió algo muy grave. Obtuve una lesión en mis muñecas por sobrecarga aun así no pare de entrenar hasta que a día de hoy sigo estando de pie y con mucho mas nivel del que obtuve antes. Les traigo todas mis experiencias vividas solo con el hecho de que nunca de desmotiven por hacer algo que les apasione sigan adelante con buen paso y disfruten el proceso.
My experience in this sport has been very extraordinary, mainly it was hard for me to train since I could not do anything with my body weight since I was very thin and without strength, little by little I have been improving as time goes by, I have trained very hard to achieve what I have already achieved, although I still have a long way to go, I am still standing. My first competition was one of the toughest since I played against an opponent who was very strong, however I did not give up and fight for the victory it was not easy, even so I tried hard and got the victory. This competition motivated me to continue training hard to continue dominating everything and for a month and a half I was competing in regional competitions which my first competition in the pro category was third, however I was still not at such a level for that category because my level was a little lower still I did not give up and got third place after several months competing, something very serious happened. I got an injury to my wrists from overuse even so I didn't stop training until today I am still standing and with much more level than I had before. I bring you all my lived experiences just with the fact that you are never discouraged by doing something that you are passionate about, move on at a good pace and enjoy the process.

Le dejo un poco sobre de que trata el STREET WORKOUT:
I leave you a little about what the STREET WORKOUT is about:


El STREET WORKOUT es una disciplina de entrenamiento practicada en la calle que se basa en la realización de ejercicios básicos como dominadas, flexiones o abdominales. Movimientos corporales que se llevan a cabo únicamente con el propio peso corporal y gracias a distintos aparatos diseñados para la causa.
The STREET WORKOUT is a training discipline practiced in the street that is based on the performance of basic exercises such as chin-ups, push-ups or sit-ups. Body movements that are carried out only with one's own body weight and thanks to different devices designed for the cause.

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre STREET WORKOUT y la *CALISTENIA?
What is the difference between STREET WORKOUT and *CALISTENIA?

La principal diferencia es que, mientras que la CALISTENIA son ejercicios de peso corporal con la finalidad de tonificar y desarrollar la musculatura, el STREET WORKOUT es reconocido como la versión a nivel competitivo de la CALISTENIA, llevando sus elementos a un nivel de complejidad mucho mayor.
The main difference is that, while CALISTENIA are bodyweight exercises in order to tone and develop muscles, STREET WORKOUT is recognized as the competitive version of CALISTENIA, taking its elements to a much higher level of complexity.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la *CALISTENIA?
What are the benefits of *CALISTENIA?


La calistenia es perfecta para trabajar además de la fuerza física, la flexibilidad, la agilidad y la coordinación. Una disciplina deportiva que te permite unir cuerpo y mente de una forma muy especial.
Calisthenics is perfect to work in addition to physical strength, flexibility, agility and coordination. A sports discipline that allows you to unite body and mind in a very special way.


¿Qué es lo malo de la *CALISTENIA?
What is bad about *CALISTENIA?

Como en toda práctica deportiva, existen riesgos. Por la naturaleza de esta actividad se puede sufrir accidentes traumáticos como caídas de altura, lesiones músculo esqueléticas derivadas de una mala preparación física, tendinopatías y un sinfín de complicaciones físicas. Pero los beneficios son mucho mayores.
As in all sports, there are risks. Due to the nature of this activity, it is possible to suffer traumatic accidents such as falls from a height, musculoskeletal injuries derived from poor physical preparation, tendinopathies and a myriad of physical complications. But the benefits are much greater.

¿Qué músculos trabaja la *CALISTENIA?
What muscles does *CALISTENIA work?

“En cuanto a las barras se trabaja la musculatura opuesta, los flexores”. “Aquí entran en acción el dorsal ancho, el trapecio romboide del redondo mayor, el bíceps braquial y el supinador largo”.
"As for the bars, the opposite muscles are worked, the flexors." "Here the latissimus dorsi, the rhomboid trapezius of the teres major, the biceps brachii and the long supinator come into play."


Ama lo qué haces

Ramsses Moncada - Creando Contenido de Calidad
Ramsses Moncada - Creating Quality Content
Gracias por leer mi publicación
Thanks for reading my post


Hello @ramsses-sw25! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself to the community - congratulations and welcome! You didn't mention how you happened to find our blockchain home - did an established Hive member tell you about it? If so, be sure to tag them so they know you're part of the Hive community now.

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities

Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.

Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.

In addition, since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

If you have questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!

Oh, and one last thing - we happen to have a couple other Street Workout people join Hive recently. Maybe you should check out @victorg30 and @yoshuarz's profiles & say hello. :)

I am part of a street workout athlete induction project that @manuelramos is promoting on the #hive blockchain

Muy buena introducción bro sigue así.

Gracias bro

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Excelente introducción! Me alegra que quieras compartir lo que te gusta! Sigue así!

Gracias @sergioluisbr08 encantado de formar parte de esta comunidad


wowwwwwwwwww I'm so impressed with your strength!!!!!

you should show us videos of you performing these techniques hehehee - its amazing!!!

welcome to Hive :)

Thanks @dreemsteem for you incredible motivation for me

of course!!! I'm happy to motivate you!!!

If you do make a video - make sure that you tag me so i can come see it right away! hehehe

Thanks @dreemsteem for you incredible motivation for me