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RE: OCD Community Boost Contest #8: Highlighting Shadow Hunters

in OCD3 years ago

11 Post pinned .. It would be to compete to compete and not to deliver good content, since even if you have good votes, it will not be seen by the people who enter. I think I'm going to pass this time, the idea as I understand it is to improve communities with competitive content in order to attract more people, but if when entering they only see content that is above, whether it is relevant or not, it would not be worth trying.

11 Post pineados.. Seria concursar por concursar y no por entregar buen contenido, ya que asi tengas buenos votos igual no será visto por las personas que entren. Creo que voy a pasar esta vez, la idea segun entiendo es mejorar las comunidades con contenido competitivo para asi lograr atraer a mas personas, pero si al entrar solo ven contenido que está arriba sea relevante o no, no valdria la pena intentarlo.


I'm sorry you feel that way! There are several ongoing contests within the Shadow Hunters Community and we try to keep the contest posts pinned to make them easy to find so that members can post their links. And the winners posts are pinned to highlight the success of our members each week. It's an active community!

Although I still maintain what I said earlier, the answer you gave me is very motivating. I value your kindness and respect very much and it speaks very well about you and your community, I can say with total security that they will grow very fast with people like you :)

Thank you for taking the time to respond :D

We actively rotate the pinned posts so that pertinent and timely information stays at the top. I do hope you decide to create an entry. Our community is actively engaged and I guarantee that your post will be seen!

hi randomproject123. i don't follow your reasoning about the futility of making a post here. personally i review all entries in the contests that i enter and make my own judgement of other people's post. sometimes favorably and sometimes not. regardless of whether other people view my post or not and whether they gain anything from it or not i focus on meeting my own standard of quality in each and every post. sometimes i win, sometimes i think i should have won but i always have the satisfaction of creating a post worthy of putting my name to. it is not so much a competition with others but rather a challenge to myself and that is where the motivation of creating it comes from. best wishes for the endeavors you do choose to participate in.

In that I completely agree with you, in the end a Post is not made to win or not, it is for delivering good content, content of which we are proud and if it reaches one person it is the same as it reaches a thousand, the important thing is that Whoever gets it I will leave something interesting to tell to say the least, Thank you for taking the time to respond and explain your point of view, now thanks to you I may try to participate: D