My Quarantine Challenges- Focus on Work, Family, Relatives and Health

in OCD4 years ago

My submission for the contest- My Quarantine Goals and Challenges which is shared by @anomadsoula and supported by @blocktrades and @ocdb

The current situation of pandemic COVID-19 is something that we all are going through and over 193 countries are affected by this disease. Many of the countries have already started lockdown to control community spread and in many countries, people are following self-quarantine to keep themselves safe from the spread. You have seen this kind of problem in my life ever and I even hope that something like this never happens again in the future because it's affecting everything badly, be it the human lives or the country's and even world's economy.

selfie main.JPG
[In this photo, he is drinking apple juice :)]

I work as a freelancer so I work from my home however I need to visit the client place once or twice a week but nowadays because of COVID-19, last I visited was 3 weeks back. In India, it's complete lockdown going on since 21st March and it will continue till the 14th of April 2020 so there are still nine days left if this date is not extended anymore. The initial few days of this have been very challenging because I have never been in this situation When I can't go outside and all the time needs to be at home. But you know what we are humans and human nature is that we get familiar with any change in some time and adopt the way it is that helps us to find better solutions and I did the same. In the beginning, for a couple of days, I could not even decide where I should start from and what I should do in the day because I had so much time and no work except the daily work. School and officers got closed so my kid is at home all the time and my husband started working from home.

Shortage of time has always been an issue for me since the last many years and there are few things which I could not do the way I should have done. Now since this current time in life is an opportunity where I have so much of time to focus on these things which are pending for long so I am working on it and by the time this lockdown will get over I think I will achieve something good.

Here are a few areas on which I am working on and I think this 3 weeks will help me achieve something great-

  • Focus on Kid's Learning
  • Cooking
  • Connect with Relatives and Old Friends
  • Creating New Designs
  • Weight Loss & Mental Health through Yoga

Focus on Kid's Learning

I have made a plan to utilize this time in the right way and from 25th March onwards I have been working on few things to learn and improve my skills and also at the same time I am also spending some time for my kid to learn. Since schools are so I don't want my kid to keep on watching cartoons all the time. He is now moving to class one and this year it was planned to get a tutor for him to learn new things before Mid April as his new class will start from 15th April. Now I am spending 1.5-2 hours daily with him to teach him a new class syllabus and in the last 10 days, he has got a very good grip on it. I don't want a tutor but because I and my husband didn't have time so this is the only option we could go. I a putting so much effort on him so at least for the next 3 months we don't need a tutor for him and I will continue the same in Summer vacation as well in June month. This way I am helping him to learn and also making myself comfortable in teaching. I don't want to become a teacher but getting self-confidence is always a good thing, I believe.


Learning and Practise in Cooking

I am good in cooking but I feel there is always room for improvement and learning and this time I am using to learn something new and try for it. Cooking is something that one cannot get expertise in a day and it requires some time and effort to get the best out of it. I mean to say that when we try any recipe for once then there are chances that we can make it good but if we need to have expertise on that particular then we have to spend some time and cook it for multiple times and this way we achieve the expertise and can cook the same taste again and again.

Poha Veggie-


Spicy Poha-

North Indian Food- Chapati, Veggi, and Salad

Veg Biryani

Veg Biryani with Pickle

I believe that relations and families are an important part of our life but sometimes because of fast-paced life we don't get enough time to spend with them. Even making a call helps but there have been months and even years for some of my relatives and I could not call them. Its because when I have time then they are not available and when they have time and then I am stuck in something. Not this time I am using to get that connection back and I am calling all my friends and relatives almost every day to talk about various things and trust me it's helping me a lot to get them back in life. The conversation is very important to keep the people in touch and I am using this conversation as it tool to have my social life back. We are so much active in social media but because of the lifestyle that we live in it's difficult for us to stay the same in real social life but now I am using this opportunity to fix the gaps.

As I already mentioned that I work as a freelancer in fashion designing but because of massive work volume I don't get time to create something new. I have been thinking for almost 6 months or so that I will take a few weeks off and will focus on designing something new and trendy. Now there is no work because of locked down so I am working on it and in the next 2-3 weeks I would finalize few designs.

Health and Fitness

Before this lockdown and COVID-19 issue, my day was starting at 5 a.m. and I never get time to sleep before 10 pm daily. The same schedule and routine have been running the same way for the last 3 years. My husband goes work at 6 am so getting up early and making things ready for me is the fist for priority for me and but the time he leaves then next is to prepare for the kid for school. In all this, I could not focus more on my health and I gained some weight which I need to work on so now I have started Yoga every day and spend 30-40 minutes for various Yoga exercises. I can do yoga at home and it does not require me to go outside and it also helps me to stay relaxed and reduce weight. Its not easy to start because of our laziness but once we start then we can continue the momentum. After a few weeks once life gets back to normal then also I will continue the same efforts for my health.

We often keep on complaining that we don't have time for this and that and now when this time we have so much time then it's an opportunity for us to make the best out of it and make ourselves a better version. There is a lot to do that we can at home and it just that we need to decide what we need to focus on. I can't say whether I will be a better version after this but for sure I can say that my long pending things are in process and will be done in some time. I will surely feel good that I could do my best to my family, friends, relatives, work and even on myself and I think this something makes me happy and I am enjoying this time the way it is.

Thanks for reading my post.

Huge thanks to @anomadsoul for bringing this challenge and @blocktrades and @ocdb for their support.

Stay Home and Stay Safe



Sounds like you have made good plans to get through these hard times. Nice pics of you and your kid, and the food looks really good! :)

Thank you so much. Stay Safe my friend.

This post is shared on twitter. #posh #hive

This is such a great post! The first couple of photos are super cute... and the food photos make me so hungry, they look absolutely great!

Thank you so much. Glad that you liked it. Appreciate your kind words.