Cover An Indonesian Song - Maaf Cintaku (I'm Sorry My Love) by Iwan Fals

in OCD4 years ago

On today's post I cover another song from legend musician in my beloved country Indonesia, Iwan Fals. As I said many Times, he is my biggest influencer in music. His Rebel lyrics that critisized on many social issues had inspired people in my country. In fact, he is one of the singer with million fanbase in this country.

"Maaf Cintaku" is the song from Album "Antara Aku, Kau dan Bekas Pacarmu" that published by Musica studio in 1988. There are many version covers of this song. On my post video I'm trying to cover my best. Hope everyone who stop by to watch this video enjoy the music of my performance.

As usual I put the lyrics and its translation of the song ...

Ingin kuludahi mukamu yang cantik
Agar kau mengerti bahwa kau memang cantik
Ingin kucongkel keluar indah matamu
Agar engkau tahu memang indah matamu

I want to spit on your pretty face
So that you understand that you are beautiful
I want to pry out your beautiful eyes
So that you know your eyes are beautiful

Harus kuakui bahwa aku pengecut
Untuk menciummu juga merabamu
Namun aku tak takut untuk ucapkan
Segudang kata cinta padamu

I must admit that I am a coward
To kiss you touch you too
But I'm not afraid to say it
A myriad of words of love to you

Mengertilah perempuanku
Jalan masih teramat jauh
Mustahil berlabuh bila dayung tak terkayuh
Maaf cintaku aku menggurui kamu

Please understand my lady
The road is still very far away
Impossible to anchor if the paddle doesn't move
Sorry my love I'm lecturing you

Those all the simply and deep lyrics of the song. Last but not least, big thanks to all curators that always support with their number of curation value. From the bottom of my heart I also thanks to you who willing to stop by on my blog. God Bless...

With Love,

Reza Sofyan