What can we do to support Hive?

in OCD8 months ago (edited)

What makes a cryptocurrency and crypto project great or successful? It's a question I've been asking myself a lot these days and I think it's something that everyone in this environment should question themselves too.

Although I am a cryptocurrency scholar and an aspiring whale (currently I'm just a whale at heart), I still don't understand what we have to do to efficiently support a project like Hive.

Where did I find this image?

What can we do to support?

Perhaps many will say that large amounts of money are needed to buy and support a cryptocurrency and a project, but... And those of us who don't have money, how do we do it? For example, I would like to buy a good amount of Hive and HBD to support this entire platform and project, but I don't have the money. It sounds crude, but why am I going to hide it if it's the pure truth?

In such cases I think the only thing left to do is find an alternative way to obtain income. But in a specific case like Hive we have it even much easier, because all we have to do is write here frequently. This will help us support the platform while we growing financially.

Sounds easier said than done, right? But nothing is free in this life, except the oxygen we breathe. At least we have hope on the horizon, and we know that if we are constant and disciplined in our work when writing in Hive, the project and our accounts will gradually grow.

Let's look at it this way

Let's imagine that we are in a prison (the prison of financial poverty), and someone tells us that there is no way to escape all of this, but only one. This person gives us a metal spoon and shows us a part where we can dig a tunnel without anyone seeing us. The terrain is soft and it will only take us a good amount of time and effort to get the tunnel done.

It won't be easy to build such a tunnel, right? But we know very well that once we have built it we will be able to pass through it and escape to freedom. In this case, we will escape from financial poverty towards financial wealth.

We may not like the plan at all, and obviously it will not be easy to achieve it, but it is the fact that said plan is on the table that makes it feasible and why we cannot ignore it.

And as it has always been said, it is better to have a bad plan than to have no plan at all. But back to the initial topic, it will certainly not be easy to support Hive through our writing effort, but over time we will realize that it will be worth it, because there are too many advantages and benefits that we will obtain from this. And along the way, we will be supporting a great crypto project.

What do you think about this topic? How would you support Hive without having money?

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Such interesting topic, we have to focus in creating quality content