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RE: Even in your own home

in OCD3 years ago

Tell me you are in same life-time without telling me you are same life-time age :) I will go second -
_ I had to replace a dryer that was 13 yrs old, purchased by the previous owner, which was very expensive and the delivery was not smooth
_ I had to keep the little kid home coz he has runny nose for the third time in the last two months
_ working from home

:) I am surprised how similar the lifestyle is for working parents with lil kids at home all over the world. I cannot comprehend how unidimensional my daily life has been after the pandemic. Grinding along.


Only our mother can tell us apart :D

It is definitely a grind at the moment and I think many (including me a bit) are struggling in various ways.

lol tell me about it. We will ask @galenkp 😇 if he can differentiate. I hope i can develop a mental strength to go through if something like this happens again.

@galenkp is clueless...Can barely tie his own shoe laces.