Serious Glitch In Matrix...?

in OCDlast year

Some super weird shit happened yesterday...

This dude sent me a Human Design ebook, and i was looking for the section on my 6/2 Cross Of Demands profile after sending it to my Kindle. was scanning the table of contents trying to find Cross Of Demands, but not there. Ok, whatever.

Knew it was in there somewhere, even if not in table of contents, so went back to iPad as would be easier to do a search there. And oddly enough, it's in the table of contents.

Ok, whatever. "Must be" that there is some sort of glitch in the way the Kindle is reading the pdf, right...? Well, going further... none of the page numbers line up between the two devices. and yeah, sure sometimes a kindle is gonna be different because of the smaller screen size... but this is a pdf with the page numbers etched into the actual images, NOT a mobi or pub file.

Then... the fucking Cross of Demands disappears from the table of contents on ipad. Double check on computer as well... nada.

How the fuck does something magically appear in a pdf's table of contents on one of three devices then disappears...???

Serious glitch in the matrix shit.

The freaky part though... my response is just sorta like, "meh, whatever. Why overthink it."

But, it's gotta make ya think: how many of these types of small matrix-glitches occur everyday all around us that we don't even notice and/or totally overlook...? 🤔

In any case...

here's a dirty ass beat from the vault i quickly made a couple years ago. not planning to ever do anything further with it, but it's sorta almost fitting for the "matrix glitch" theme.
