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RE: The content of mind and heart

in OCD5 years ago

Yay for your Twitter going well? XD

It's been ages since I've had people encouraging me to join but to this day I still cannot bring myself to Twit because I talk way too much. Consicion what's that

I still hate the term value-add x_x and no I don't consider stuff when making things, at least not consciously (I don't always know what my sub and unconscious are doing). But I'm boring and don't really pay attention to reaction things (I still don't understand the appeal of the reaction videos my kids like to watch sometimes, right up there with unboxing videos). I know I probably should but I find it hard enough to just keep up with what's going on in my head ^_^;

I probably make things differently from you though, you seem to have thought about what you're going to write before you write it (even if it then ends up somewhere else because in the writing you've found interesting new thoughts to pursue XD) whereas I'm kind of watching what's going on in my head and trying to make sure I've got it down right (because surest way to fail is wanting something to happen that doesn't happen, kind of like real life XD)


I still hate the term value-add

It sounds a bit like upsizing a coke, but it is what it is :)

(I still don't understand the appeal of the reaction videos my kids like to watch sometimes, right up there with unboxing videos)

I don't understand most of what people consume on the internet these days.

you seem to have thought about what you're going to write before you write it

Kinda and kinda not. I tihnk that when I have an idea, it is normally catalysed from something in my life and I process it on the fly. Later, I have a rough direction, but not much else. Sometimes, I have a title only :D

Forcing things rarely works for me.

Given the jokes that have been flying around here lately I took "coke" in the original meaning and had to think about it for a bit, my coffee hasn't kicked in yet XD

Sounds like we're getting too old and need to start shaking fists at kids on our lawns XD

So you don't know what you're going to write about when you sit down to do it and it just happens? O_O

Sounds like we're getting too old and need to start shaking fists at kids on our lawns XD

You don't yet??

So you don't know what you're going to write about when you sit down to do it and it just happens?

I feel bad about it, but topics and flow for writing come pretty easily. It still takes time and effort though, and I do try to make it somewhat interesting and absorbable :)

LoL! No not yet, maybe I'm still too immature despite my old age XD

Why would you feel bad about something like that? o_O

Why would you feel bad about something like that?

Because people seem to think it should be very difficult to do everything :)

Pffft you don't need to feel bad about finding something easy just because it's out of capacity for someone else XD

I agree. Society often doesn't. People want equality of outcome and rarely factor inequality of experience and skill.