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RE: Slave labor works

in OCD4 years ago

I feel like they were tiny awkward little rooms to be easier to heat back in the day XD It took me a couple of goes to make sense out of what you were doing, wow those rooms were kind of poky and awkward :O

Is there a blue light on the stairs or is there a skylight or something? It looks kind of horror movie XD

As it's pretty big and closed in she may well use it til she's 9-10,(unless she shoots up and starts hitting her head on the ceiling well before then XD) though it may change to a little bunker where she goes to hide from you rather than play house XD We had a little fort thing put up in our yard when the kids were 4, 2 and a few months old and it saw use til a couple of years ago, when youngest (9-10 at the time) was still playing on it infrequently and the older two (who were getting more into social media and the social side of gaming) only went on it when their younger cousins were over and they were playing with them.

Love that shot of the "slave labour" dragging it across the road XD