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RE: Cybersecurity - more important than you think

in OCD3 years ago

Before I didn't give much importance to this, I even used a single password for almost 6 accounts. However there was an occasion in which a game in which I have invested a lot of time and some money suffered a massive hacking, luckily it did not affect me but the scare I had made me realize the importance of this, so now I have a different password for each account, no exceptions, in addition to having them physically written down in a notebook.

I am glad that in your case it was nothing serious either.


I was kinda lucky because I knew how to react to it, unfortunately, I looked up the bitcoin address. There were reports about blackmail and scamming fraud, but that account had $1512 in it from different transferred from multiple accounts.
I made this article hoping that if someone will ever be in my position, it will react the same, not giving up to the scammers.