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RE: Tech Aide: Converting Steem to Hive for an American ...

in OCD4 years ago

I made numerous comments on the posts of several Koreans and got no response whatsoever. They seemed a very closed community, keeping to themselves. Which, of course, they are free to do. You have chosen to make the effort to communicate in English, using a translation tool. I have, at times, chosen to attempt the same, in reverse, as you know ...

Koreans are wary of foreigners because they have been plagued by Chinese, Japanese and Russian invasions from the past. Fear of acting to reveal their appearance to foreigners.
In particular, Korean kings severely punished Koreans who communicated Korean information to foreigners.

As stated above, they are free to do this. But, they are helping one person reach their vision of the future, instead of a community of people. Hive has a lot of problems, in my view. I have been clear I supported neither side in all the "back and forth" between them. But, I have no influence. Given the choice between the two "virtual worlds" I have chosen this one. For now ...

Koreans are afraid of new challenges and creative actions. Currently, Koreans are caught in fear and anxiety that China and Japan will reign over Korea.
In the end, they believe that the United States might abandon Korea.

As for not understanding yourself, I have and will continue to do what I can to help you. If you have specific questions, please ask them and I will do what I can to answer.

Thank you for your kind!

P.S. Please do not take the above comments about what I witnessed with the Korean Community as criticism of them. It is simply a statement of the "facts," as I have understood them in reading the posts and comments of others ...

I compare myself to the apostle Paul, who left and rejected the closedness of Jewish society.
I want Korean society to change.