in OCD3 years ago

Edited in canva


Today June 13 is the feast day of St. Anthony of Padua, one of the most beloved and popular saints among Catholics and known as "the saint of the whole world", is the patron saint of the poor, travelers, masons, bakers and stationers. For some, he is the one who helps to recover lost and forgotten things. For others, more daring, he is the saint of impossible love, courtship, and marriage.
About this last belief in particular, it is said that young single women ask him for help to get a boyfriend and when this does not happen, they turn the saint "upside down" as a punishment. It is such a popular belief that even my beloved Chayanne talks about it in one of his greatest hits Palo Bonito.
But my relationship with this Saint is not precisely because he has granted me a boyfriend or husband, but for another reason.


Hoy 13 de Junio se celebra el día de San Antonio de Padua, uno de los santos más queridos y populares entre los católicos y conocido como “el santo de todo el mundo", es el patrono de los pobres, viajeros, albañiles, panaderos y papeleros. Para algunos es el que ayuda a recuperar las cosas perdidas y olvidadas. Para otros más osados, es el santo de los amores imposibles, del noviazgo y del matrimonio.
Sobre ésta última creencia en particular, se dice que las jóvenes solteras le solicitan ayuda para conseguir novio y cuando esto no ocurre, ponen al Santo "de cabeza" como castigo. Es una creencia tan popular, que hasta mi amado Chayanne habla de ella en uno de sus grandes exitos Palo Bonito.
Pero mi relación con este Santo no es precisamente por haberme concedido novio o esposo, sino por otra razón.


I got married at the age of 19. During the first year of marriage I took contraceptives, and one day I stopped using them by decision of both of us since we wanted to be young parents and not older. 18 months later I was pregnant and obviously all happy and content!

In the third month of pregnancy, I had several medical tests including one that helps detect Toxoplasmosis. When the specialist checked them, he noticed that I had very high counters for this infection, which was dangerous for the baby's development. We read all about what it could cause and then a great concern took hold of us. Thank God, I was treated in a timely manner for a period of 4 months and with constant monitoring, we overcame this situation.

I was still attending the university and I was already 5 months pregnant. It was the last semester of my degree. Suddenly there was an outbreak of lechina and most of my study group was infected. The hope of attending my graduation ceremony gave way again to fear: Am I infected? What will happen to my baby? I remember 8 days of anguish waiting for a lesion on my body that would indicate that I had lechina.

This was the first time I asked St. Anthony of Padua for help. My mother-in-law prayed to him since she was young. And those days even more so. She gave me a holy card and invited me to make him a rosary and to pray with faith...and I was heard by him.

Me casé a los 19 años. Durante el primer año de matrimonio tomé anticonceptivos, y un dia dejé de usarlos por decisión de ambos ya que queríamos ser padres jóvenes y no mayores. 18 meses después estaba embarazada y obviamente todos felices y contentos!
Al tercer mes de embarazo, me hice varios exámenes médicos entre ellos uno que ayuda a detectar Toxoplasmosis. Cuando los revisó el especialista notó que tenía contadores muy elevados para esta infección, lo cual era peligroso para el desarrollo del bebé. Leímos todo lo que podia causar y entonces se apoderó de nosotros una preocupación muy grande. Gracias a Dios, oportunamente cumplí tratamiento por un período de 4 meses y con monitoreo constante superamos esa situación.
Seguía asistiendo a la universidad contando ya con 5 meses de gestación. Era el último semestre de la carrera. Repentinamente surgió un brote de lechina y la mayoria de mi grupo de estudio estaba contagiado. La esperanza de asistir a mi acto de grado dió paso nuevamente al temor: Estoy contagiada? Qué le va a pasar a mi bebé? Recuerdo que fueron 8 dias de angustia esperando que en mi cuerpo no saliera alguna lesión que indicara que tenía Lechina.
Fué esta la primera ocasión en la que le pedí ayuda a San Antonio de Padua. Mi suegra le rezaba desde joven. Y esos días más aún. Me regaló una estampita y me invitó a hacerle un rosario y a orar con fé...y fuí escuchada por él.


Everything was fine. I continued to have a normal pregnancy. My husband worked as a publicist, but he was also the vocalist of a calypso group in the city called The Bakanal Calypso and they attended throughout the year to animate events or parties. In one of those events, there was an unpleasant event in which the police intervened, there were injuries, accusations, among other things and unfortunately my husband was sent to a police station for a period of 25 days along with others of the group. Fortunately, everything was cleared up and they were released and acquitted. However, this situation triggered a nervous breakdown in me: What is going to happen now? What am I going to do? I didn't sleep, I didn't eat, I just cried... I was 7 and a half months pregnant!

All worried: - Calm down Yani. Everything will be all right. Be strong, they told me. But it was difficult for me. I prayed to God and I remembered Saint Anthony. I began to pray to both of them to give me the strength and calm I needed to get through it, and they listened to me. My relatives, to distract me, made me participate in tasks to choose the baby's second name because the first one would be his father's (already decided). And that's how I came up with the name of my son Rod Alejandro.

Already in the ninth month of pregnancy and waiting for delivery, the doctor says that the baby is in position but my cervix is not ready yet and we start observation every other week. In week 37, he gives me his report and sends me to the hospital to be admitted. The head doctor evaluated me and said I was not ready yet and sent me home. In week 38 the same thing happened: I was sent home again.

Todo bien. Seguí llevando un embarazo normal. Mi esposo trabajaba como publicista, pero también era vocalista de un grupo de calipso de la ciudad llamado The Bakanal Calipso y asistian durante todo el año a animar eventos o fiestas. En un evento de esos ocurrió un hecho desagradable en el cual intervino la policía, hubo heridos, acusaciones, entre otras cosas y lamentablemente mi esposo fué a parar a una Delegación policial por un período de 25 dias junto a otros del grupo. Afortunadamente, se aclaró todo y quedaron libres y absueltos. Sin embargo, esa situación a mi me desencadenó un colapso nervioso: Qué va a pasar ahora? Qué voy a hacer? No dormía, no comía, sólo lloraba...Tenía 7 meses y medio de embarazo!
Todos preocupados: - Cálmate Yani. Todo va a salir bien. Ten fortaleza- me decían. Pero era difícil para mí. Yo le pedía a Dios y recordé a San Antonio. Empecé a rogarles a los dos para que me dieran la fuerza y la calma necesaria para salir adelante y me escucharon. Mis familiares para distraerme me hacian participar en tareas para elegir el segundo nombre del bebé, porque el primero sería el de su papá (ya decidido). Y fué así como surgió llamar a mi niño Rod Alejandro.
Ya en el noveno mes de embarazo y esperando la llegada del parto, el Doctor dice que el bebé está en posición pero mi cuello uterino aún no está listo y empezamos la observación una semana si, otra no. En la semana 37, me dá su informe y me envia al hospital para que me ingresen. El Médico jefe del servicio me evaluó y dijo que aún no estaba lista y me devolvió a casa. En la semana 38 pasa lo mismo: otra vez devuelta a casa.


My son in my belly was quite active, moving constantly at all hours. However, in the early morning of Sunday, June 13, 1993, in my 39th week, I woke up with a start because I could not feel my baby. It was 5:05 am. I sat up in bed for a while and nothing. I went to the living room and sat on an armchair in a position that I knew would bother the baby and nothing. No movement. My God! What was wrong? From that moment on I was in anguish. I woke up my husband, we went down to my in-laws' house and went to the clinic to try to reach the doctor. There they called him at home and no one answered.

I was so desperate that I sat down on a bench to cry and when the nurse saw me, she called my husband and gave him the Doctor's address, asking him not to tell her how he had gotten it. While he and my father-in-law went to look for him, I stayed in a waiting room where there was an altar and my consolation was great when I saw there a small plaster image of St. Anthony. At that moment, I entrusted my baby to his care and promised him that if all was well and he was healthy, all my sons would be named after him.

Well, St. Anthony of Padua came through for me! My husband arrived with the doctor, whom I thank very much because he even came to check me in shores. He had to stimulate the baby to move, he massaged the belly in such a way that it was small and he could outline the fetus, he applied sound with a very loud horn in different opportunities and places until it moved...hahaha...never before had I felt so happy when my baby moved!

From then on the monitoring was every 3 days, until June 22nd, 9 days later my beloved ROD ANTONIO was born! He was a wrinkly baby, what they call a "mature" delivery, but a completely healthy baby boy.

Mi hijo en la barriga era bastante activo, se movia constantemente a toda hora. Sin embargo en la madrugada del dia domingo 13 de junio de 1993 ya en la semana 39, me desperté sobresaltada porque no sentía al niño. Eran las 5.05 am. Me senté en la cama un rato y nada. Fuí a la sala y me senté en un sillón en una posición que sabía le molestaba al bebé y nada. Sin movimiento. Dios mio! Qué pasa? Desde ese momento se apoderó de mi la angustia. Desperté a mi esposo, bajamos a casa de mis suegros, y fuimos a la clínica a intentar localizar al Doctor. Allá lo llamaban a su casa y nadie atendía.
Era tal mi desespero que me senté en un banco a llorar y la enfermera al verme llamó a mi esposo y le dió la dirección del Doctor, pidiéndole antes que no dijera cómo la habia conseguido. Mientras él y mi suegro iban a buscarlo, yo me quedé en una sala de espera donde habia un altar y mi consuelo fué grande cuando vi alli una pequeña imagen de yeso de San Antonio. En ese momento, encomendé a mi bebé a su cuidado y le prometí que si todo estaba bien y el estaba sanito todos mis hijos varones llevarían su nombre.
Pues San Antonio de Padua me cumplió! Mi esposo llegó con el Doctor, a quien le agradezco mucho porque hasta en shores se vino a revisarme. Si tuvo que estimular al bebé para que se moviera, la barriga la masajeó de tal forma que quedó chiquita y pudo delinear el feto, aplicó sonido con una corneta bastante ruidosa en diferentes oportunidades y lugares hasta que se movió...jajaja...nunca antes había sentido tanta felicidad cuando mi bebé se movia!
A partir de allí el monitoreo era cada 3 dias, hasta que el 22 de junio, 9 dias después nació mi adorado ROD ANTONIO! Era un bebé arrugadito, lo que llaman un parto "maduro", pero un niño sano completamente.


Saint Anthony took care of my son during his gestation, and not only Rod Antonio, but also Anthony (I will tell you about this), and I also fulfilled the promise I made to him: my children are named after him!

The human being deserves to have faith in himself, in something, in someone. He is free to believe in what he thinks best and to profess or not a religion.

I am not a devout Catholic who goes to church every Sunday or beats my chest, but I do believe in Almighty God, in the Immaculate Virgin Mary...and in Saint Anthony of Padua, the saint of the whole world!.... AMEN.

Thanks for reading! If you liked it, I invite you to share and comment...

San Antonio me cuidó a mi hijo durante su gestación, y no sólo a Rod Antonio, sino también a Anthony (ya les contaré de esto), y yo también le cumplí la promesa que le hice: mis hijos llevan su nombre!

El ser humano merece tener fé en si mismo, en algo, en alguien. Es libre de creer en lo que mejor le parezca y de profesar o no una religión.

Yo no soy católica devota de ir todos los domingos a iglesia o de darme golpes de pecho, pero si creo en Dios Todopoderoso, en la Virgen Maria Inmaculada...y en San Antonio de Padua, el santo de todo el mundo!... AMÉN.

Gracias por tu lectura! Si te ha gustado, te invito a compartir y comentar...


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a miracle from saint Anthony, nice post
God bless you

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Imagine, eternally grateful to him. If you get to read his work, you will realize that he was not only a great preacher and believer but a very learned and educated person.
Thank you for accepting what I wrote and for commenting.

a miracle from saint Anthony, nice post
God bless you

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