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RE: Looking for Good Authors with Low Reputations that get Bad Rewards

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

I'm here to give them some exposure. I was late on the STEEM bandwagon (March 2018) and so was not part of the goldrush. I had to work like hell to get myself seen, and I have.

There is no easy way to fame on HIVE (or STEEM). You get out of it what you put in. I came from the doldrums of $0.00 to this $29 post. It's not easy and most don't want to put in the effort or the work.

For the ones I follow, it won't be a one-off, it will be continued support, If some of the other big stakeholders do the same, then the low-earning writers will have a little comfort in knowing someone is helping out.


We need to multiply the @slobberchops in hive to encourage support for the creators of genuine content that we are being ignored.