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RE: OCD POSH Curation Compilation #27

in OCD3 years ago

Very cool to be featured in the list of TwitterHive posts. Thank you 👍😎

This is a really fantastic deal when you think about it:

We make our post and share it to Twitter, this in turn helps us get more eyes on the piece that we have spent a lot of time on. We help Hive to grow by exposing it to people on a centralised social media platform, when Hive grows, we benefit again.

So then when @ocd compile and curate this post of TwitterHive posts, the whole cycle repeats with more exposure for us, meaning more eyes on our post again, and for growing Hive, which in turn benefits us again.

Let me repeat once more, this is an 'awesome-bloody-tastical, deal all round. Thank YOU!💖😎👍


Cannot agree more with you @stevenwood, it's a win-win all around; @ocd always thinking how to grow Hive!

It has begun feeling like the phase of Hive-growth has taken a real leap of late, it's as though as a community, we are levelling up significantly. We have come a long, long way in the last year or so, there were those talking on forums and at-least a couple of podcasts I listened to about how we would not have the strength of numbers and the breadth of support to reach the heights that I feel, we are now approaching.

I believe that we have built on that which went before admirably @ocd has been a huge part of this and I have NEVER been as excited as I am right now, to see the next chapter unfold.


Shall I say SNAP!
Well said and my sentiments exactly @stevenwood;)

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I might be a bit biased, but I think you should repeat that it's "an awesome-bloody-tastical deal" as often as you like, because I completely agree. 😊

And I think your reply is...

Totally agree it's "awesome-bloody-tastical", no other word describes it better.
New word added to my dictionary with permission of @stevenwood?

haha. I abso-frikkin-lutely decree it's use for all, I may get on to those dictionary word-curators now.

Once I realise my ambition of becoming Emperor of the universe, I actually will decree it's use as my first galactic order.😎 Have an amazing weekend @lizelle

Haha you really are a wordsmith of note @stevenwood! Love your use of words!


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Gah! Maybe a tad biased, but sometimes that is abso-bloody-lutely legitimate, right?

Some things are simply too good to call anything other than what they are. Happy weekend Ms Awesome, hope it's a fantabulous one 😁👍


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 3 years ago  

I'll just say "awesome"! Should I say more? I couldn't agree more to your comment tho.