Visiting Aceh Water Park

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

travel park.jpg

Corona virus outbreaks have killed various economic sectors in Aceh, not only trade, even tourism businesses are also extinct due to the absence of visitors.

As a tourist attraction that we visited, namely the water park, this water vehicle four months ago when we visited was really crowded with visitors, but the current state of the water park has totally changed, without any visitors.


Our visit this time after four months ago we visited the situation changed 100%, this is a sign that the implementation of lockdown in this area has really killed various sectors of the people's economy.

Usually, even though it is not the Ramadhan Water Park, there are still visitors from the children who are on vacation with their families, especially on weekends, this place is also crowded with visitors from children, in general, because this place also has special facilities for baths. children.








Lockdown due to covid-19 really affects the economic sector of society, large entrepreneurs can go bankrupt, and small entrepreneurs can close shanties, very sad.

We all hope that the corona virus outbreak will pass quickly, and everyone's lives will return to normal as usual.

And hopefully, congratulations during the corona virus pandemic we can care for others, the rich help the poor, and the government must also apply social assistance to various regions in Indonesia. I hope so ...

Thank you for those of you who have read my writing, hopefully this can inspire all of you to help the people who are impacting from covid-19,
Thanks ....