
This has turned into a PAI measuring contest!

74 though! That's my record and it took over 2 hours of hard effort to collect, including a 10k run!

I got high 68 on one day. The trick is to have such bad heart health that it thinks you are working out hard.


Don't tell me that was for a 2km jog!?

The trick is to have such bad heart health that it thinks you are working out hard.

Good point, @sulayr? :P

The trick is to have such bad heart health that it thinks you are working out hard.

Good point, @sulayr? :P

I can't argue with that 😌

So the dilemma lies in: bad heart health and good PAI numbers or... the other way around?

I know what makes me happier 😆

I know what makes me happier too! More PAIs!

So do i need to drink more beer? :P

you mean... EVEN more?

Most of it and mowing the lawn :D I am out of shape and obviously @sulayr is also - it is why she is too tired to post.... ;D

I wouldn't get a bean for mowing the lawn! Managed a 40 minute cardio session last week which earned me nothing (and sulayr double figures 😣)

Her posting game has been lacking, rumors are she is coding a bot to do this for her :P

rumors are she is coding a bot to do this for her :P

Perhaps with her heart health, she might want to use mine as a base to lower the stress.

Most of it and mowing the lawn :D I am out of shape and obviously @sulayr is also - it is why she is too tired to post.... ;D

Jeeeeesus haha I'm increasing expectations 😝

Yes! Give us your numbers! :P

0 PAI - had to get a new watch :/

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Which one did you get? :)

Ended up with a Huawei GT2, it was a little more, but on sale so the gap wasn't too painful. Been good so far.

Great! I like the aesthetics of this one too. Enjoy it!

Gah! So unfair, can we swap watches? :P

Well done!