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RE: Spring and winter's end

in OCD3 years ago

Well, look at it this way, smallsteps will hopefully have her own firsts with her child, or children and that's when the memories flood back into the mind.

This is a good point. For me though, the things I do with Smallsteps reminds me of a lot of things I never got from my parents. Lessons learned :)

So I presume that you guys don't have carpet cleaning machines for hire over there?

I don't think for domestic usage. These are more mats than carpets I guess, so a machine migt not be reat for them. Or do they work regardless? As a kid in Oz, we would occasionally have our wall-to-wall carpets done though.


Yeah, I can understand that as I did the very same. One can only see the real results of your efforts when they are adults with their own children and I never brag, but my kids are doing very well with their children.
Whenever I see an old oak tree gnarled from the weathers that it endured over time, and new little green leaved branches growing out of it, I am reminded of my own life and my children.

They call them wet and dry machines that one push over the mats and carpets like a lawnmower.
They also have pipe attachments that can be used to do the curtains and fabric couches and chairs.
Thankfully we only have carpets in our two small bedrooms and I do them with a bucket of soap water and then open the windows and by night they are dry.


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

One can only see the real results of your efforts when they are adults with their own children and I never brag, but my kids are doing very well with their children.

It would be heartbreaking if it went the other way.

Thankfully we only have carpets in our two small bedrooms and I do them with a bucket of soap water and then open the windows and by night they are dry.

These are installed carpets? That sounds like ruined floors! But I am guessing there is concrete underneath. Here, the floors are often wooden in houses.

One is in the hands of fate when they grow up, but as long as the early seeds were sown, it will blossom at one time or another.
There are many dangers out the waiting to trap the naïve, so school them well in the art of life and they will stand a better chance.

Yes they are wall to wall installed carpets on concrete floors. Durable rubber backed carpets made for high traffic purposes and easy to clean.
Wooden floors underneath will require a strong wet and dry suction machine.