I met the doctor from Dobro Jutro, Komšija!

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

My main tool for learning the Serbian language has been the show Dobro Jutro, Komšija.
I found it a few years ago on a list of movies from the Balkans.
I was excited to learn that there had been a sequel, so it was a bonus for me. I watched the movies a few times, and then I learned about the other sequels and the series!
There are 7 films and the series is now in season 3.

When I learned that the show is filmed in Prijedor, I was really excited because I knew that I would visit Prijedor when i got to Bosnia.
When I was there, I went to a Nikić-J because that's where they shop in the show.


When I was in the store, I told them how excited I was to be there, and that I hoped I would run into Jelka(ja volim Jelku) or Čika Čedo while I was in Prijedor.
They all belly laughed with or at me for at least a minute. I really don't know if they thought I was funny or stupid...

There is a doctor in the show who is always drinking rakija and getting drunk. His character is hilarious, and I quote him all the time.
This is my favorite doctor moment, as he gives medical advice to Danica.

As I was walking around Banja Luka today, he was standing right next to me at a red light. He was waiting to cross with his bike.
I looked at him several times before I was certain, and I said "Doktor?"
He smiled and acknowledged that it was really him:D
I told him in frantic Englerbian how much I loved the show and how I was a big fan of his.
I quoted the "drajna" line grinning from ear to ear.


He was nice enough to let me take a picture.
I already love Banja Luka, but this took it to another level.
Seriously, I am still smiling:)