
Good evening JJ,

Strangely we had the same thought, as I was also out to catch the sunrise breaking over the mountain early this morning. But I posted the sunrise already this morning.

Hope that you guys enjoyed the walk and being together is better than any sunrise my friend. Marian was still sleeping when I snuck out, but later on we also went for a walk on the beach.
I caught an Egret fishing again and the usual Kelp gulls in flight.

Hope that you also got some good photos mate!

Blessings to you guys!

We did have a nice walk no colors at all, but it was a new spot and a lovely place for a walk, and hardly anyone there which is of course good at this time :)

Sad about the colors, but we love new spots as they open up a new world to us.
Over time I am even starting to forget the old place, as there are so many new discoveries here.
I bet before long, if not already, you will also start sniffing around my friend.

Glad that you guys enjoyed the walk and hope many more to come.


We are the same way, loving our new area and hardly missing the old one, have bene trying to get out for early morning walks together most mornings, today it didn't happen my wife had trouble sleeping and is sleeping in now

Ah! Those sleeping troubles van certainly tire one out JJ.
I have also had them on and off lately and the next day one feels like a zombie.
We are sure that as time goes on you will enjoy your freedom more an more my friend.

yes we are both a bit in Zombie mode today but lets hope tonight and tomorrow is better LOL


Better also here today and amazing what a good sleep can accomplish my friend.
Hope your day is also much better.

Blessings and thank you for the tip.