Our improvisation with the Spirit of the Forest

in OCD4 years ago

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Hey 3speakers!
Today we bring you an improvisation that Bennet and Stefan did in the forest here in Northeim, Germany.

Over the next weeks, we will be uploading a series of new videos, as well as some of our favorites from the Trouble archive.

Thanks for listening!

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I have finally figured out how to use Hive enough to reblog, comment, and upvote this post! LOL! I am thrilled to have found this weeks ago, simply because I love music and the kind that is spontaneous and pure. You guys have my appreciation and I am curious to hear and explore more of your music! :D

That was fun. We have a card in splinterlands called spirit of the forest. Want this song in splinterlands?

@aggroed - that would be lovely. This will likely turn into a full length song in the coming weeks, but if you want, I can also give you the audio for this particular version since it was live and in the forest.

Man, that made my morning. The violinist is great. Thanks for sharing it and I'm looking forward to your next video.

@gregory-f appreciate you mate! Thanks for listening

They instruments blend in really well together. Really matches the surroundings as well. Have to say I enjoyed that a lot sitting in my back garden in the sunshine.

!jeenger - schöne Musik in einer chaotischen Zeit - danke dafür! !BEER !COFFEEA

@kadna Danke! Es wurde in Deutschland gedreht! Bleibt gesund <3

Superb. Your sound is extraordinary, complete with the songbirds and all. The birds seem to appreciate the sound vibration you're bringing there. What a beautiful forest scene and soundscape.

Also, I'd like to offer a friendly invitation to participate in the new #openmic event called Hive Open Mic, in case you're interested. There's an entire community built around this event, and tomorrow will be the fourth weekly invitation. Let me know if you'd like any additional info on that.

Well well well done!! Great performance guys!!

Appreciate you! Thanks

Ein jeengervote für dich von @kadna

Awesome, was there an outlet nearby in one of the trees to plug in the amps? J/k I bet you had some kind of battery pack setup.

Hey @thetroublenotes, here is a little bit of BEER from @kadna for you. Enjoy it!

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Excellent post. Upvote.

