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RE: What an Amazing Week for Hive

in OCD3 years ago

Sincerely speaking I have been able to learn my lessons,especially when hive is high now, I have not take enough time to observe and take my time for the long term goal, but I can understand it is due to the situation of things in my country and for a poor man without no job struggling with life and to make sure there is food on the table for the family I have to make use of the fund I generated from hive to settle some of the daily needs not knowing when and time the fund will be more valuable, now I understand how it works and I need to be more observant one sensitive, I am not regretting all am able to do with the little fund of mine, but I could have made alot more if I had taken my time, am happy I found this opportunity and the people that I have around me especially @nuthman my dear friend God bless you man stay safe and have a wonderful day