My Introduction Post In Hive: I'm so Happy to be Here!

in OCD8 months ago

I am Ajayi Treasure, but because of my love for Yoruba names, you can fondly call me Oluwatofunmi or Tofunmi for short. I have a thing for names and I believe names play a significant role in our identity. I am new here and this is my first post. I got to know about this platform through a dear friend @jjmusa2004, thank you so much for edging me towards a great opportunity like this.

Growing up,I have always been a shy and timid girl who doesn't like to socialize at all. Instead, I'd be in my room, reading novels and creating imaginary pictures of the stories in my head. This helped me excel in my Academics thus increasing my appetite for books. I had a voracious appetite for books, I'd read virtually anything,little wonder, someone told me I was going to run mad with the way I was always poring over books. At some point, my primary school teacher had to seize my books continuously because I was extending my interests to romance novels.

As time went on, I started developing my writing skills because it was a way of expressing myself, I didn't like to talk. I won various spelling bee competitions for my school back then because of the new words I encountered in the books I read. I also wrote weekly publications that'd be pasted on the school's notice board.

Gradually, writing helped me to sharpen my social skills, I started talking to people and I was able to start expressing myself in speech too. In senior secondary school, my literature teacher told me "Treasure, you write so well, you should either study English language or Mass communication in the university". Well, here I am, a final year student of English language, I guess she was right.

Why did I say all this? It shows how important writing is to me and how genuinely happy I am to be granted this opportunity to interact with Y'all through my writing skills. It has always been my dream to impact people through the use of my skills. It is also an avenue to encourage you to read, reading helps to sharpen your writing skills and your mind. You should also read to learn new things, it makes you a bank of knowledge. Reading also exposes you to diverse cultures, beliefs and opinions. So, this is a reminder for you to grab a book to read right now!

Enough of all the stories, I'll tell you a few things about me. I am a Yoruba girl who stays in Kwara state. I love to tell stories and read, I also love to binge watch movies and sleep too. I am a voice over artist and a part time editor, it won't be strange if I say I have deep interests in journalism. I won't bore you with all these talks about me because I know this platform will present us the opportunity to know and interact with each other. I am delighted to meet Y'all. Please throw me a welcome party!




Welcome to Hive! 🙂

Thank you so much

@tofunmi185! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @vocup. (3/20)

Thank you so much

@tofunmi185! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ vocup. (4/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Glad to have you join Hive Blockchain Tofunmi. You'll do well to engage, explore and enjoy the chain, I look forward to heart warming contents from you.

Welcome once again

Welcome on board Tofunmi, make sure you engage very well and enjoy yourself 🥰🥰
Welcome once again dear

Thank you so much. I'll try my best to engage well whilst learning on this platform.

Welcome to Hive Tofunmi! It's nice to have you on board.
Quality engagement, consistency, and originality is the key here.
Since you enjoy telling stories , you are warmly welcome to inkwell community.🤝
Enjoy yourself and let hive enjoy you😊.
Welcome once again.

Thank you so much Phyna!

Welcome! I'm sure you're going to see how amazing this is very quickly!


The book club community would definitely love to welcome you. What kind of books do you read? when you have time, give them a visit too!

By the way when you have extra time, you can check out these information point : For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide. I'd like to also mention that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms out there. On Hive, conventionally, you can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise. Not to mention, overall plagiarized content is bad for your credibility and visibility too.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

~ @macchiata from the @OCD and @lovesniper team bringing you some helpful tips navigating hive.

haha @tofunmi185 you are a being of light. it's so nice to see how well people who read a lot express themselves. Well welcome my beauty, it will be an honor to learn more about your hobbies and culture. Welcome, Brazilian greetings. Straight from Rio de Janeiro. Follow me to stay connected. And if you need any help, I'll be here to guide you. Looking forward to your new content!

Welcome to Hive family,this is actually the right place for you

Thank you 😊

Hi dear welcome to hive. I hope you enjoy your stay here on hive, feel free to reach out when you have questions.

Thank you so much

You are welcome dear