in OCD3 years ago


Truly, while we were growing up we were so optimistic about life. I wasn't an exception as i also had dreams of been so great in life.Back then,my when someone ask us what would you like to become when you grow up? You would hear response like I want to be a pilot ,I want to be a doctor, I want to be an engineer but as time went on i said to my self I want to be an architect. So today i will be sharing with you all about my dream job which is to be an architect.



My dream job is to become an architect. Growing up, i discovered i could draw things ranging from objects, humans, cartoons and so on with my pen and paper. Here is an example of a cartoon drawing i made some years back.


My pencil cartoon sketch

And i loved it. I remember drawing my kid brother when i was just 8years old. Drawing things was like a hobby to me. Each time i see tall, nice and beautiful building, i wondered how it came about and i ask questions about them. so my mum mentioned to me once, why don't you become an architect?, Then i asked who is an architect? . After knowing who an architect is, i picked more interest in becoming an architect. And was of my reasons for this passion aside knowing how to draw was because i want to walk pass a street and tell my self i made the design for this building with smiles on my face.


Like i said earlier my dream job while growing up was to be an architect.

Who then is an architect?

An architect is someone who is in charge of creatively drawing how a building or road or any other structure will look like on a piece of paper. Before the building commence on ground.

A creative drawing such as the above is what we call building plan and below is an example of a building plan designed by an architect.



Been an architect entails so much. First it entails been very creative and having a good imaginative ability. A good architect must posses this quality because the architect must be able to see with his eyes of imagination what the structure will look like before sketching.

It also entails good construction knowledge and this can be gotten by going through the fall walls of a school or learning. Having a good construction knowledge will mean you are good in some subjects or courses such as technical drawing, further mathematics because you will need to calculate dimensions and angles too while drawing.

Been an architect entails a good drawing ability. You must for sure know how to draw as an architect else you would not have a beautiful structure.

It also entails having a knowledge in computer because an architect will need to work with some computer applications such as AutoCAD, computer aided designs(CAD). Because the era of just using the hands to draw is gradually fading out.

Been an architect also entails team work. The architect does not work alone, he will need to work with some other professionals such as the quantity surveyor, the builder and the rest. So he needs to learn how to work along side with other people.

Finally been an architect entails getting a formal education in a higher institution to get a degree in architecture. Here in Nigeria, the course architecture is studied in a university for 5years. and after that you can register with the board of architecture known as architect's registration board(A.R.B). So that you can be given the license to practice.


Here in Nigeria before a person can become an architect he or she must first do the following:

  1. Acquire a bachelors degree in Architecture
To acquire a bachelors degree here in Nigeria, one has to go through some process like ; Seat for JAMB exams: In seating for this exam, the candidate will be required to write some subjects inline with the course architecture. Such subjects includes: English language, mathematics, physics, then select one from either geography, chemistry or technical drawing. After doing so he or she can apply for admission into any institution offering the course. Get an admission into a high institution offering the course: To get an admission into the university or polytechnic or college of education, the person will need an entry requirement of 5 o'level credits in any of these exams: WASSCE, SSCE OR NECO. Study for 5years in the institution of choice
After acquiring the bachelors degree in any school of choice, the next thing is to go for national youth service corps(NYSC). It is required here in Nigeria that everyone who graduates from a high institution should go for a compulsory one year service to the country. The first 3weeks of the service, the person is placed in a camp and is drilled by military people. I remember my own experience during my NYSC.

Thank you for reading


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