Beautiful mustard flowers and bees views...

in OCD4 years ago


Hope you all are well. I am good too. Now what I want to write about is mustard flowers and bees . i am photographer and That's why I'm writing about this relationship in detail. Hope you all enjoy...


Bangladesh is famous for flowers and the result. There are many types of flowers and fruits in Bangladesh. I am going to present one of them to you with a law. Hope you like it. The result is guava fruit. It looks a lot like a round. Like lemon flowers, it has its structure but it is a mustard flowers and bees. The flowers are grown in Bangladesh sunflower Chaitra month. This time the flowers are very beautiful to look at.

mustard flowers is a great place to eat. There are many small cells inside the fruit, there are many small cells, and inside that cell the sunflower are small granules. It contains sweet juice that we eat. Inside it, the beechies are later sown and new plants are planted as seedlings.


Mustard flowers and bees contains many beneficial vitamins. They are very useful to the human body. It contains vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A and mineral salts, etc. Which meets the human body's demand for vitamins.These flowers sit on the vomit. It is so nice to see that time. In addition to Bangladesh, these mustard flowers and bees fruits are grown in many countries.

They are born in countries such as India, China, Japan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Bangladesh These jambaras are born everywhere. There is much to be gained from Jambura. Sunflower can benefit financially. It is possible to earn a lot of foreign currency by exporting mustard flowers and bees abroad. Which plays a very important role in making remittance of Bangladesh.


So these plants need to be sown more and more. Only then can Bangladesh and itself be financially profitable. The mustard flowers and bees tree plays an important role in balancing the environment as it benefits financially. They do a lot of good to people. Therefore, all saplings need to be sown. In this way, it is possible to make Bangladesh Green and Gold Bangla.They are the most preferred flower honey. It is nice to see butterflies that they live by eating honey.

The flowers, fruits, and birds are so beautiful to see in this country. They make nature beautiful and attractive.

The thing I want to highlight today is the beautiful trees and plants next to our house. They are so beautiful to see, you can't think. Nature needs more in our lives today.The great need today is to eliminate the tedious boredom and to bring a wealth of diversity into the imaginative eye.


Everyone in the world, from small to large, likes to see butterflies and tries hard to catch them. Only then do butterflies like butterflies.When the butterfly sits on the swelling, all the people see the scene.

  • There are several types of butterflies. Many species are very different to see.

  • Some species are brown, yellow, green and many more.Nature butterflies and flowers are present in all areas of our lives.

  • Role of friends by playing flowers in socio-cultural and economic fields.

Nature's contribution to the balance of the environment is immense. In the life of nature, the release of the soul, the dynamics of nature, the Leela of nature takes place in everyone's mind.So the importance of it is immense.


The world is called the treasure of physical beauty. These plants played a major role in the color of each region, with their color being colored.

Reality is swallowing life today. In such a state the beauty of heaven is found in the varied beauty of the season. So ultimately natural beauty plays a very important role in our mind and health. It is our responsibility and responsibility to preserve this natural environment.

Finally, thank you everyone and I urge everyone to plant more and more trees. I hope you like this blog. Everyone will pray for me.

I hope you have enjoyed all the pictures and my blog...

See you next time...

LOVE FROM:@toukirkhan

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