Beautiful views of the grass in the paddy fields...

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


Hope you all are well. I am good too. Now what I want to write about is beautiful grass . i am photographer and That's why I'm writing about this relationship in detail. Hope you all enjoy...


The earth is full of beauty. And these plants play the most important role in the beauty of this beauty. I love these pictures. So I shared with you. I hope you like the good. I went to many places and the pictures were collected from there. I'm a photographer and that's my job. I'm proud to have taken these pictures.

Bangladesh is called as a country of natural beauty. And behind this beauty is the importance of many plants and crops. Today I'm discussing a tree. That is grass. And I saw this grass in a paddy field. And from there I took the picture. This tree is really beautiful to look at.

They grow in the middle of the paddy. In a nutshell, these are called weeds. And they cause damage to the rice. However, no matter how much damage this tree does, it is actually pretty cool to look at. This tree has some benefits again. For example, cows are given it as food. And grass is the main food of beef. Thus, cows are fattened by eating cows and people are benefiting financially. Again this grass is so beautiful to look at. This tree took this picture at sunset. Hope you like the picture.


I saw this grass in a paddy field. And from there I took the picture.

There are many grass trees and sun in this country. Bangladesh is famous today because of the Sky and nature. Which is presented to you. Would love to meet you and some of my friends who have visited this place in village .Everyone goes around this place and it becomes very interesting to see the place at night.

Then I, along with some of my friends, made many appearances there and ate some tea and coffee. The atmosphere is really nice. I feel so proud to be walking around these places.


Nature is really beautiful. This is the place you will go to in a beautiful village. Can't say which is a lot of fun. I have visited this place many times before. Every time I go to this place, my mind gets better.

There are some features to make the beauty beautiful. For some example,

  • It is so nice to see nature in the evening time . And this nature is good for many.They survive by eating different kinds of food in the environment.
  • The magnificent autumn horizons are a combination of elaborate vegetation, the arrival of birds and birds on the shore, the delusion of softness falling on everything
  • Many people are busy decorating nature and their efforts make us beautiful.Many of which are so beautiful to look at that make our mind uplifted and energized.

At that time, the shadows of the villages and the far reaches of the trees became charming. As beautiful as it looks, the mind is deluded.Nature has played an important role in the beauty of her flowers, fruits, butterflies and different kinds of animals.There are many types of animals around us.


They are the most preferred flower honey. It is nice to see butterflies that they live by eating honey.Everyone in the world, from small to large, likes to see butterflies and tries hard to catch them. Only then do When the butterfly sits on the swelling, all the people see the scene.

There are several tapye, Many species are very different to see.Some species are brown, yellow, green and many more.Nature butterflies and flowers are present in all areas of our lives. Role of friends by playing flowers in socio-cultural and economic fields.

Nature's contribution to the balance of the environment is immense. In the life of nature, the release of the soul, the dynamics of nature, the Leela of nature takes place in everyone's mind.So the importance of it is immense.


The world is called the treasure of physical beauty. These plants played a major role in the color of each region, with their color being colored. Bangladesh is a country of great beauty. The flowers, fruits, and birds are so beautiful to see in this country. They make nature beautiful and attractive.

The thing I want to highlight today is the beautiful trees and plants next to our house. They are so beautiful to see, you can't think. Nature needs more in our lives today.The great need today is to eliminate the tedious boredom and to bring a wealth of diversity into the imaginative eye.

Reality is swallowing life today. In such a state the beauty of heaven is found in the varied beauty of the season.

Natural beauty plays a very important role in our mind and health. It is our responsibility and responsibility to preserve this natural environment.I hope you like the blog. Pray for me.

I hope you have enjoyed all the pictures and my blog...

LOVE FROM @toukirkhan

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