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RE: Even in your own home

in OCD3 years ago

Because of commuting, I save two hours when I work from home. This is one of the positive side of remote working.

If I have a problem with the product I bought online, I write this on a complaint web-site about firms as well as social medias. They will call you back in a few hours, if the company is a real corporate.

I also had runny nose till last week, which lasted about 10 days. However, I didn't have the coronavirus symptoms and stayed at home. I think it was due to swift-changing weather.

Get her well soon.


They will call you back in a few hours, if the company is a real corporate.

These ones are super lazy....

I think it was due to swift-changing weather.

It is autumn here. Cold and damp - runny noses are common all the time for people. Same in the spring with pollen and allergies - yet, go get tested....