in OCD2 years ago

Good day everyone!

Am here to introduce myself to this community as a new member. I joined hive ecosystem on 24th March, 2022. So friends I will like to be acquainted with all of you in this community, please accept my friend request.

My Name, Country, and State

My name is Chioma Marycynthia @young-queen on hive. Am a native of Imo state located in the south-eastern part of Nigeria, my country. I currently reside in Anambra state, and it is also a place I was given birth to. smiles... I am the last born in my family.

My Education

Primary School
I attended Olie-Uru Nursery and Primary School, Umudim Nnewi, Anambra State. In my primary school days, I was one of the most brilliant pupils then in my class. I represented my school in many quiz competitions of which we turned out victorious.

Secondary School
The name of my secondary school is Maria Regina Model Comprehensive Secondary School. The school is cited in Nnewi, Anambra state. During my secondary school days, I participated fully in the inter-house sports of which my house performed extremely well, although we didn't win the medals, but we are reckoned as one of the bests.

Tertiary level
Currently am still an aspirant of one of the prestigious universities in nigeria with the prospect of gaining an admission in History and International Studies.


Currently, am a student seeking for admission into the university, but I do make-up (make-up artist) as my handwork to earn a living for now. My handwork is very nice and am hoping it will sustain me when I eventually enter into the university!




The images above are taken at my tutors shop. You can contact us today for your wedding make-up!

My Experience in Crypto

Frankly speaking, I've not had any experience in crypto because my initial concept was that everything concerning cryptocurrency is scam. And this mindset was within me not until I came to know about hive of which I was introduced by @anyiglobal. Thanks to him! he taught me a little about cryptocurrency and I came to realize that cryptocurrency is not a scam!!

Thanks so much for reading my introduction post! I am @young-queen


Welcome young-queen!
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Ciao piacere di conoscerti
Benvenuta su hive
Sono sicura che ti troverai benissimo
Ti auguro una buona serata

Congratulations to you dear, and welcome. I hope that yii have a wonderful time here.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 25
Introducing NFT for Peace
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

You're welcome to the community. And thanks to God that finally you no longer see crypto as a scam.

Welcome to hive ecosystem @young-queen.
You have made a very nice Introduction post here!

You are highly welcome to hive.

Feel free to check various communities here and engage with more people, make new friends and share your thoughts and experiences.

Lovely pictures. Your makeup looks great. I look forward to seeing more of your contents.

This post has been selected to be curated by hive learners community. Kindly click on the banner to visit our community and check out our discord channel here.


Welcome to the Hive community @young-queen!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, Keychain, Peaklock, and Hivesigner,
  3. The master password and the owner key are only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. Do not open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hivians available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!
