Keluang Island - A small island rarely touched by humans

in OCD4 years ago

Its name is keluang island


This island is located in Aceh province, Aceh Jaya district. Right under the foot of Mount Gurutee. A very phonemonal mountain in the province of aceh.


For transportation to this island. We have to take a local fishing boat which rarely takes 20 minutes. This boat is the only transportation to the island.


This island is one of the tourist destinations that are rarely visited by local and foreign tourists. Therefore, this island is still very beautiful and clean from plastic waste. Hopefully we hope so forever. Apart from saving the potential for a very interesting sight, this island is also said by the locals as a paradise for anglers. Yes, maybe, because the fish potential is quite a lot and abundant

The island is mostly covered by coconut and banana trees. But we as visitors are not allowed by the local people to take the fruit from the tree. Yes maybe it's a ban or something. Now, if we are on the island, it feels like all kinds of burdens and thoughts in life are released for a moment because we are treated to thick coconut trees and the sound of the waves hitting the rocks.


This island is one of the places for those of you who like to find the sensation of the outdoors and serenity from the hustle and bustle of the urban world. I highly recommend this island to all of you. Here are a few memorable offerings that I can bring home from that place. Hopefully in the future we can share information and other interesting experiences.



This is me and my adventure

Risky Aprianda


Hastag beu le bacut teuk beh wkwkw

Kana ngen pajoh bu malam nyo wkwkwkw

Hahahahha versi anak kos

Asek asek kwkwkw

Hahahahha ngen awk pro jioh that beda

Kwkwkwkw ane na beda level tok,,,