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RE: The Final Countdown - Life In Lockdown, Day 0

in OCD β€’ 4 years ago

Sweet stuff, mate. I have the same third-world problems as you πŸ˜‘. My laptop is too potato to run anything without it shutting down because of overheating, and the iGPU is far too weak. But, I'm having fun exploring some old games, too!

Are you familiar with those old Reflexive Arcade games, those CDs that have like hundreds of small, sometimes crappy games? I've lost my old copy years ago, but there's a free online repository, since the devs have already shut down. There's some hidden gems in there.

I'm exploring loads of shitty games, though they're rather interesting. More so, is the fact that they still work well on Windows 10. Otherwise, I also have an old PSP-3000 that's still working well, and I'm putting in some new games 😁

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Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I remember those CDs πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hundreds of games in a single cd and I would play all day without being bored. Those were the days and then gta was a dream come true. Now when I try those game they feel too old and outdated. Mario is still a legend πŸ˜‚ but most of my childhood favs feel different now. I am thinking about starting wolverine again was a good play last time and Ive not tried far cry yet I think I must give it a try now that I have all the time in the world.

Do suggest some old games for me. I could use some nostalgia.