Photographing Halloween - Fotografiando Halloween

in OCD2 years ago

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Every October 31 is celebrated "Halloween Day", a holiday that has its origins in the Celtic culture in Ireland, where they had the custom of dressing up in animal skins to confuse the spirits of those who are no longer in this world, this holiday has spread to many corners of the world, and each culture has adopted it and given it its meaning.

Cada 31 de octubre se celebra el "Día de Halloween", es una festividad que tiene su origen en la cultura celta, en Irlanda, donde tenían la costumbre de disfrazarse con pieles de animales para confundir a los espíritus de los que ya no están en este mundo, esta festividad se ha extendido a muchos rincones del mundo, y cada cultura la ha adoptado y dado su sentido.

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When I was in Venezuela for me it was not common to see Halloween celebrated except for night clubs that took advantage of the date to have theme parties with prizes for the best costumes, beyond that I did not get to see. The time I have been in Colombia, 4 years now, I have had the opportunity to witness how the streets are filled with people dressed in costumes and take their children on a tour of different places to receive their candy.

Cuando estaba en Venezuela para mí no era frecuente ver que celebrarán Halloween a excepción de locales nocturnos que aprovechaban la fecha para hacer fiestas temáticas con premios a los mejores disfrazados, más allá de eso no llegué a ver. El tiempo que llevo en Colombia, ya son 4 años, he tenido la oportunidad de presenciar con las calles se llenan de personas disfrazadas y llevan a sus niños a dar un recorrido por diferentes locales para recibir sus dulces.

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Today I got off early, I didn't plan to put on makeup or anything, but at the last minute I got up the courage and looked for a simple makeup, I did it and went out ready with my camera to find all those characters that were in the streets enjoying halloween. When I arrived to the city center I was surprised by a very heavy rain that left me immobilized under a roof in a drugstore, many people kept walking and decided to get wet, I thought better and decided to go to a nearby mall where there were costume contests to go after my pictures of the day.

Hoy me desocupé temprano, no tenía pensado maquillarme ni nada, pero a última hora me animé y busqué un maquillaje sencillo lo hice y salí lista con mi cámara a encontrar a todos esos personajes que estaban en las calles disfrutando el halloween. Al llegar al centro de la ciudad me sorprendió una lluvia muy fuerte que me dejó inmovilizada bajo techo en una farmacia, igual muchos seguían caminando y decidieron mojarse, yo lo pensé mejor y decidí llegarme a un centro comercial cercano donde habían competencias de disfraces para ir tras mis fotografías del día.

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Undoubtedly it was the best decision there and sheltered under a roof from the heavy rain that was still outside, I could start my tour and take pictures to all those who allowed me, all those who will see here, I kindly asked them if I could take a picture, and all very kindly agreed, I thought for the next time I bring my bag of candy and give them a gift to those who let me take pictures, it would be a good strategy for them not to say no to me.

Sin duda fue la mejor decisión allí ya resguardada bajo techo de la fuerte lluvia que seguía afuera, pude empezar mi recorrido y hacerle fotografías a todos aquellos que me lo permitieran, a todos los que verán acá, amablemente les pedí por favor que si les podía hacer una fotografía, y todos muy amables accedían, yo pensaba para la próxima me traigo mi bolsa de dulces y les regalo a los que se dejen hacer fotos, sería una buena estrategia para que no me digan que no.

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At first I thought the kids were the ones who dressed up and went out for their candy, and yes I did get a lot of super cute kids in costumes and their smiles of happiness than carrying those little bags full of candy.

En principio yo pensaba que los niños eran los que se disfrazaban y salían por sus dulces, y sí me conseguí con muchos niños super lindos trajeados y sus sonrisas de felicidad que llevar esas bolsitas repletas de dulces.

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But I was also very surprised how the families were organized with their costumes, makeup and accessories to go out on this trick or treat day, it seems to me that sharing this kind of activities as a family strengthens the bonds between family members, I would have liked to have the opportunity to dress up with my family. Although in Venezuela I used to do it with my siblings during Carnival, but the truth is not the same at all. They are totally different celebrations.

Pero también me sorprendió mucho como las familias se organizaron con sus disfraces, maquillajes y accesorios para salir en este día de dulce o truco, me parece que compartir este tipo de actividades en familia fortalecen los vínculos entre familiares, me hubiese gustado tener la oportunidad de disfrazarme con mi familia. Aunque bueno en Venezuela lo hacía con mis hermanos en los Carnavales, pero la verdad no es para nada igual. Son celebraciones totalmente diferentes.

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And the adults also take advantage of the occasion to let their inner child come out and play with the outfits they choose for such a moment. I thought these ones I show you here were very cool and they were very receptive when I asked them for the pictures.

Y los adultos también aprovechan la ocasión para dejar salir a sus niños que llevan por dentro y jugar con sus atuendos que escogen para tal momento. Estos que les muestro acá me parecieron muy geniales y fueron muy receptivos al momento de yo pedirles las fotografías.

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And finally I show you how I have integrated myself to participate in this Halloween day, I have chosen in different years to make up, without the costume, I feel the makeup is already something that one puts on and transforms us by itself, usually I accompany it with black clothes so that the makeup continues to prevail, I am not a makeup artist, but this part excites me and I have fun while I do it, and more if this time I add it to go out to take pictures to the street, it was a great adventure, I hope you enjoyed it without getting here. If you want to share something about it with me I will be glad to read it in the comments.

Y bueno ya para finalizar les muestro de que manera me he integrado a participar en este día de Halloween, he optado en diferentes años por maquillarme, sin el disfraz, siento el maquillaje ya es algo que uno se pone y nos transforma por sí solo, por lo general lo acompaño de ropa negra para que siga prevaleciendo el maquillaje, no soy de maquillarme, pero esta parte me entusiasma y me divierto mientras lo hago, y más si en esta ocasión lo sume a salir a hacer fotografías a la calle, fue una gran aventura, que espero hayan disfrutado sin llegaron hasta aquí. Si desean compartir algo al respecto conmigo con gusto los leo en los comentarios.

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Sobre Mi
"La fotografía me lleva a integrarme desde una perspectiva única con mi entorno, plasmando a través del lente, aquello trascendente para mi"


You look great on those fantastic costumes!

We have something like this also in Vigan City. In fact, it happened a few days ago. 😊

Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting. If you want and have some pictures you could share them here in a comment. Regards

You've managed to capture some interesting moments of Halloween. I didn't know Halloween is such a big event in Venezuela and Columbia. We learn something every day, isn't it?

For future reference, I'd like to suggest Photography Lovers community if you post about photographs as OCD is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post.

Thank you very much for the suggestion, I understand. I was also surprised about the halloween celebration here in Colombia. Greetings.

Very funny Halloween costumes!

Yes, I really enjoyed the photo day, many of them managed to surprise me. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Regards.

It was a pleasure for me, I also enjoyed looking at your pictures.

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Interesting. The costumes are so funny