River Valley in Spring Breakup - Photos from a Paramotor (part 2 of 2) 📷

in Paramotor4 years ago

This is part 2 pictures of flying to a meetup with some other pilots, flying with them, and flying home again, about 3hrs of flying in total.

click images for larger versions

Back out over the fields to enjoy the open skies


Cool thing flying with friends, is we are connected on helmet communications so lots of stories, conversations and discussions while in the air. Some funny ones tonight it seems hey??

This is an amazing house on the river's edge, with a treefarm property.

On way back downwind to the airport, I was practicing working on my wing overs, getting some nice banked turns just over 90 degrees, where you really start feeling the G forces.

The foot cam shows this as a pretty cool angle. I like.

After landing, chatting and takoff again, I'm heading home in the sunset, golden fields about a 40 min flight home.


I want so much but I don't dare :(

haha, totally understand. It can be pretty freaky hanging from some strings up in the air. But, once you get used to it and learn how, its an amazing sport to enjoy!