LIL : My Contribution To Lmac Gallery - wedding

in Let's Make a Collage2 years ago
WEDDING Life,story',art, photography,wedding,
WEDDING Life,story',art, photography,wedding,
WEDDING Life,story',art, photography,wedding,
WEDDING Life,story',art, photography,wedding,
WEDDING Life,story',art, photography,wedding,
WEDDING Life,story',art, photography,wedding,
Good afternoon hive friends On this occasion I want to share some wedding photos to serve as In the #lmac gallery to serve as a good collage material for you. I took this photo using Samsung Android camera That's all I can share on this occasion, I hope you enjoy

Greetings from me @aamr5


Hello @aamr5,

Thank you for your contribution to the #LIL.

Unfortunately, we currently can't allow your post to be added to the library because persons are clearly recognizable in your photos, which is not allowed according to our posting rules.

Please check out our LIL submission rules to be on the safe side for future submissions.

Please also note that we ask all participants to set the @lmac account as 20% beneficiary in their entry posts. This allows us to provide attractive community prizes and secures you the support by our voting trail.

💬If you have further questions about the LMAC or the LIL please leave a comment or come right over to our dedicated Discord at:

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thanks very much ..Sudah mengingatkan saya ,,ini merupakan postingan pertama saya dan saya baru belajar hive Dengan adanya balasan ini saya bisa lebih mendalami postingan di @lmac Sekali lagi terima kasih banyak