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RE: Pawsville - LMAC Freestyle Collage [EN | DE]

in Let's Make a Collage11 months ago

Thank you for inviting us into your world. It is a place to truly forget whatever it is that might worry. Frieda's innocent, sweet, inquiring face is perfect in the foreground.

The details and soft tones enhance the sense of peace.

Of course, there has to be a hint of menace--the tension in the piece adds interest and energy, but that sinister visage in the forest doesn't concern me. Frieda is there, and she will take care of those who dwell in this magical place:))

Beautiful, @quantumg.


I'm so glad you like it, @agmoore.

Great analyzis. You have also identified Frieda's role precisely.:-)
Even in reality she is a very attentive, curious dog. Before persons are allowed to enter the property, she first need to look/smell who it is and what are their intentions. Otherwise or if necessary, she barks alarm and becomes very nervous.
However, she's way too much of a coward to really be able to stop anyone. 😄
In many such cases, she even moved between my legs from behind and took me as a shield.

I very appreciate you stopped by, @agmoore! Thank you very much for the tip.


she even moved between my legs from behind and took me as a shield.

Frieda is gentle. She is a good watchdog, but not aggressive. That's reassuring. Still, I think if someone were to attack you, we might see a Frieda who overcomes her fear.

I'm pretty sure, because she loves her humans very very much. However, I never would allow this little calf to fight for me. :-D

On the one hand, I really hope that for my wife for when she is out with her. On the other hand, I hate to imagine such a bad situation for both of my girls and hope it never happens. 😬