Let's make a collage - A contest for all Hive creatives - Round 80 :Robot /Cyborg

in Let's Make a Collage3 years ago (edited)

Hello to all the members of this great community of Let's Make a Collage, this week I am participating in the Let's Make a Collage Round 80 contest, organized by @shaka in the LMAC community, contest that takes place every week in which we share a Collage.



In this week's round I made a Collage where the main theme is of the Robot and Cyborg attacking the city and the angel arrives to protect the city along with the agent Caly. The difference between one and the other is that the robot is a machine in its entirety, a cyborg is a mixture, it combines mechanical and organic elements.
Imagen final.png

Ciudad destruida
Mujer Agente
Robot Angel
Robot Malo



Great work , I didn’t even seee the original , thank you for competing
Good luck this week

Thank you @brittandjosie

I am Brittandjosie

Robots are taking over the world?

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Thank you for submitting your collage to the LMAC contest!

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Thanks for supporting the LMAC with your time and creativity!

Ups.Me disculpan
Tendre mas cuidado a la hora de publicar,se me olvido hacer lo del 20% .@Imac @shaka

Lots of elements but I can't see the basic picture by @shaka...

Me encanto este tema de los robots.Saludos