El Silbon (The Whistler) Let's Make a Collage - 🎃 Halloween Special 👻🧙‍♀️ - Round 97

Hi everyone in this great Let's Make a Collage Community.

Today I present my collage for this Let's Make a Collage - 🎃 Halloween Special 👻🧙‍♀️ - Round 97 - ✨227 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

On this occasion I made a representation of the SILBON (the whistler). A specter whose legend is known throughout Venezuela. There are several versions about the origin of this legend but all of them date from a century and a half ago, when a young man murders his father and for this fact the young man received a curse that when he died he became a wandering soul carrying a sack with the bones of his father, wandering at night in search of his victims which he whips with a stick and when he dies he keeps his bones and guts in the sack that he carries on his back. This specter manifests itself as a tall being with long legs and emits a characteristic very shrill whistle from there comes its name, it is said that if you hear it near and then you hear it far away your time has come and the silbon comes for you. Some say that he wanders accompanied by the dog "tureco" biting his heels, this is a devil dog that torments the damned wandering souls.


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These are the images I used to make my collage:

Template by @shaka

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The Silbon character was designed in Mixamo Fuse and then edited in Photoshop.

Landscape By @rrm78

Moon From PurePng

Dog By @anibal-aa

Street lamp By @lunaturqueza

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Que orgullo la leyenda del Silbon en #LMAC


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Voy a probar MIXANO

No lo conocia

Este software tiene mucho tiempo creo que como Mixamo Fuse ya está descontinuado ahora es propiedad de Adobe y se llama Adobe Fuse.
Es bueno para crear personajes en 3D y se puede exportar a Blender u otros, parecido a Make Human.
En mi caso como tengo la tarjeta gráfica dañada no puedo usar Blender ni 3D en Photoshop. Lo que hice fue diseñar un personaje en Mixamo y luego realice una captura y lo transforme en Photoshop.

Honestly, I really think your collage is creepy as hell. It depicts the "El Silbon" theme very very well. You've done a tremendous job, from my humble point of view!

Isn't it interesting that there are these grim legends of evil tall creatures all over the world? Slenderman-like myths do exist almost everywhere.

  • The Erlking (is based a bit on a misunderstanding, but is partly mythological)
  • Nachtmar (Same ethymological origin as the term nightmare; Common germanic myth)
  • Der Kindleinfresser (Children eater; German myth)
  • The Hupia (Also a children eater; Pre-columbian entity)
  • The Koschei (An immortal ugly tall old evil man; Russia)
    ...etc, etc, etc...
    It seems that people all over the world have similar fears.

Thank you! I appreciate that you liked my creation 👍
You are right, we share that fear since ancient times every culture has created a legend or myth about malefic creatures with similar traits and behaviors that terrify people and have remained to this day.

The end result has a realistic and spooky feel to it. nice editing

Good luck in the contest

Thanks I appreciate you liking the image.

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Excelente el detalle del uso del farol, y como lograste que el simpatico perrito diese miedo. Del silbón ni hablar, magnifica tu creación, revivi la historia de Juan Hilario de solo ver tu collage. Esta historia aún me asusta. De esto tratan las comunidades en Hive, del valor agregado, y además das a conocer una historia muy arraigada en nuestro país Venezuela. Esa leyenda en estos tiempos todavía es tomada como real y muchos creen en la existencia de este espanto. Suerte en esta ronda!

Si yo también recordé esa historia mientras realizaba el collage repasaba la canción de Juan Hilario y el silbón en mi mente.

Excelente tu collage. Gran trabajo, Gracias por compartir la historia del silbón una de las mejores leyendas de nuestro pais.

Gracias! Es una de mis historias favoritas.