Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 104 - ✨198 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

Without realizing it is now round 104, I wish LMAC all the best. I'm sure everyone is preparing a beautiful collage in this round, and always hope that what is believed will also be good, And today I also participated in this round 104 and this is my participation and hopefully it will be interesting and liked by many people.


Image of @shaka

Sources used for the collage:

By @justclickindiva


By @quantumg


By @quantumg





Good afternoon. I see in your Collage a man who is checking himself, in front of nature and his deepest self, in a festive time, where bears symbolize hope. ! Very nice representation. Good luck in the contest

Hi @nbarrios67, your comment is very good and interesting I like your words, thank you for visiting and giving a sweet comment

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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Hello @barpatek. I love your theme. Your color choice is still keeping in the spirit of the fall holiday and Christmas colors. I appreciate you including one of my digital fractal images in your theme. Thanks for the support.

Good luck in the contest. Take care.