Let's Make a Collage - A Contest|| Round 119|| unreal life

in Let's Make a Collage2 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful community of Hive creatives, how nervous I feel when I join this round because in this community creativity is on the skin of all its members, so it will be a great challenge.

I want to start my collage by showing you the images I select from for my collage, look for images in the gallery look for images that match the landscape, I also wanted to give it a touch of fantasy, in order to give it little realism.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @digitalis.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @mballesteros.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

A house with flowers near a lake, with some ducks. Very unreal. Maybe see the two sides of life, nature and life itself full of technology. Having a perfect place is, having a place where you can contemplate nature.

Diseño sin título.png

I have made this collage in canva


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Hello @carmenm20. I like the theme of your collage. The house in the background is nice. Also, the birds in the water that's also in the driveway is unusual.

Thanks for sharing.

I am very happy to know your opinion and to know that you liked my work, since you she is very good at making collage for this community. Thank you very much for your visit and support.

Un lugar plácido y hermoso que bien valdría la pena visitar.

Si, sería el lugar perfecto.

The flower is an inspired touch in this collage. The whole thing is beautifully balanced.

Looking forward to seeing your next collage.

Thank you very much for your support and your visit. See you in the next collage.

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