LIL: Contribution to the LMAC gallery - Things of Nature III



Hola amigos de LMAC, que tengan todos un excelente dia donde quiera que se encuentren en el globo terráqueo, hoy les traigo la tercera parte de la sesión fotográfica que realice a las hojas de algunas plantas de la casa, una fotografías que considero que tiene buenos detalles, estoy seguro que serán muy buenos para ser utilizados en los collages del concurso.

Sin más a que hacer referencia me despido, y nos vemos en una próxima entrega.


Hello friends of LMAC, have a great day wherever you are on the globe, today I bring you the third part of the photo shoot that I made to the leaves of some plants in the house, a photograph that I consider that has good details, I'm sure they will be very good to be used in the collages of the contest.

Without further reference I say goodbye, and see you in the next installment.

Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheet
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets
Plant sheets



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🙀 Great idea, I heartily encourage your initiative. I think this kind of single natural elements will be very useful and used. Love the fern leaf😻