Let's Make a Collage - Round 208 // Un concierto de altura-A high level concert

Hola amigos!

Si hay una cosa que me encanta hacer, esa es cantar, aunque antes solía hacerlo con más frecuencia que ahora , es un arte del cual vivo enamorada. Cuando era niña recuerdo que un amigo de papá al encuacharme cantar decía que lo hacía "limpio como el canto de los pájaros" y hoy viendo esta imagen lo recordé , y entre una cosa y otra tomé de mi mente esa imagen y la incluí en este collage. Hay cosas que definitivamente jamás podré ver o sentir de otra manera y una de ellas es cantar.

Hi friends!!

If there is one thing I love to do, that is singing, although I used to do it more often than now, it is an art of which I live in love. When I was a child I remember that a friend of my father's used to say when he saw me singing that I did it "clean as the birds singing" and today seeing this image I remembered it, and between one thing and another I took that image from my mind and included it in this collage. There are things that I will definitely never be able to see or feel in any other way and one of them is singing.

Mi Collage

Recursos // Resources

by @shaka

pájaro cantor
Procesado en Photoscape

Aún estás a tiempo, participa!! /You still have time to participate!
Here is the link



Very Very Good!
I Love it!

Thank you very much!!

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Me encanta



Muchísimas Gracias!! ^-^

Hermosa historia plasmada en un collage. No podemos olvidar lo que nos mueve en este mundo. ¡Canta!


I love it! The mighty chicken...but the cat has other ideas. Very clever.

Good luck

I think it would be nice if the cat would allow the chicken to finish his concert, at least :)
Thanks for stopping by @agmoore

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Uses: 3/6

Muchísimas gracias!!