Calming the soul - Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 122 - ✨183 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

Hi everyone! What's up! Sometimes you want to get away from the crowds to calm your mind, away from the noise of the city, and pollution as if there is no comfortable place to breathe air. This is what I have in mind and feeling right now which I put in the form of a photo collage for this week's contest entry. Here is my entry for joining the latest cool contest Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 122 - ✨183 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨. Here is my entry submission:
20% goes to Let's Make a Collage Community
2% goes to @redheadpei
2% goes to @edgarafernandezp
Here are some photos that complement my photo collage that I managed to combine in the form of a photo collage. Below I mention the names of the photo contributors and their sources:
Contributed by @shaka

Contributed to the
#LIL by @redheadpei.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @edgarafernandezp.

Contributed by Parker West on Pixabay

Contributed by UploadMeToday on Pure PNG

Contributed by Deselect on Pixabay

Thank you for stopping by on my blog


Thank you for submitting your collage. Sorry but we could not verify the source of the last Pixabay image, please correct your link.

Thanks for supporting the LMAC with your time and creativity!
💬If you have further questions about the LMAC or the LIL please leave a comment or come right over to our dedicated Discord at:

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